

A Great Man
Jake: Can I die?

Mr Wilson: My boy, why would you ask such a thing?

Jake: Ion wanna stay here, it fuckin sucks

Mr Wilson: Talk to me my child

Jake: This world, it's ugly, all we do is hate each other. We wage wars and destroy families, people are starving, we're driven to suicide if we get too low and no one will even bat an eye. there's no good people anymore. no one was even willing to help me, The only person who did was you.

Mr Wilson: .....

Jake: everyone does these things and others get hurt.

Mr Wilson: Would you?

Jake: Would I what?

Mr Wilson: Would you wage war?

Jake: Hell no

Mr Wilson: Would feed those you can?

Jake: Of course

Mr Wilson: Would you drive a man to suicide?

Jake: Nah, I would try to help him

Mr Wilson: But you can't help him

Jake: y not?

Mr Wilson: Because there are no good people

Jake: there ain't any

Mr Wilson: So what makes you think that you can save a man's life even if he doesn't want it himself? Clearly he's given up hope, no one was kind to him. he doesn't want a hero in that moment.

Jake: But I can help. I care about people, I know what it's like.

Mr Wilson: Than tell me why

Jake: Because Im a good person

Mr Wilson: Exactly my point.

Jake: But I'm just one guy, it doesn't matter if I'm good or not. And if Im nice, people will abuse it, so what is the point in even me being nice? All anyone did was abuse me, all they ever did was toss me aside and everyones like "fuck that guy"

Mr Wilson: Well wat if everyone else thinks that way, and that is why the world is like this? Can you truly ask others to be kind if you are not willing to do it yourself?

Jake: ......

Mr Wilson: Think of it as a hero and a coward. They are the same, they don't want to get hurt or be in danger, what sets them apart is what they do, the hero will get hurt by one to protect another, they will deal with the pressure that comes with a situatio. The coward would rather have someone else get hurt and stay safe all his life. Now if you are kind and you get hurt, u tried to at least help someone knowing what could happen, let's say for suicide. You tried to do what was right, knowing the cost. The coward would rather keep that person Isolated or alone, to avoid the pain that comes along with the person who is hurting. And the coward may not even be a coward, they just might know that they aren't the one who can help someone in that time or situation.

Jake: That makes sense, But say if I'm in that situation, what should I do?

Mr Wilson: You do what you feel is right.

This world has few good people in it, either that or everyone is just too busy with their own life. And some are too ignorant at times to notice. They're not necessarily bad but we can pay more attention to others.

Jake: t think I understand now

Mr Wilson: I would hope so

Jake: have you ever needed help from someone before? Or if you were stuck?

Mr Wilson: I've met some people here and there

Jake: ho is most memorable to you?

Mr Wilson: Well I'm talking to him right now

Jake: me?

Mr Wilson: Yes

Jake: but I never helped you before?

Mr Wilson: You have been helping me since I met you

Jake: how so?

Mr Wilson: You've come by my house every day after school for some time now. Helped me clean, watered my wife's plants, mowed my lawn. Making sure I've woken up on that day. You've sat here and listened to an old man's tales. For some time I thought I'd bore you to death. But I'm glad to have met you my boy. You've brought me a joy that'd been lost for some time now. But at least I know that my last few months or years will have been happy.

Jake: u ain't dyin on me yet right?

Mr Wilson: Well I'm trying not to

Jake: U better not. And thank you for helping me understand, and giving me reasons.

Mr. Wilson: What reasons?

Jake: To live

Mr Wilson:Well that makes me really glad I could help. By the way, I've been meaning to give something to you. Which luckily I had ready today.

Jake: you ain gotta do all that, you're stories and company is more than enough.

Mr Wilson: I know, but in some time, this will no longer serve me. It won't have no use when given to you, But it's more like a token of gratitude. It was a gift from my wife a lifetime ago. Maybe you'll be able to give it to your own kids someday.

Jake: well the compass does serve one purpose

Mr Wilson: What is that?

Jake: it'll help keep a good memory.

Mr Wilson: Then I no longer have a fear of being forgotten. But promise me one thing

Jake: Yes?

Mr Wilson: Take care of it, as you've taken care of me

Jake: I will

15 Years Later

Girl: daddy

Jake: Yes honey?

Girl: look what I found

Jake: You found my hat.

Girl: and I found this round thingy, what is it?

Jake: My compass.....

Girl: a compass?

Jake: Yes honey, this is a compass, it helps you when ur lost, or trying to go somewhere.

Girl: Where did you buy it

Jake: Actually it was a gift

Girl: who gave it to you?

Jake: It was from a friend.

Girl: who was he?

Jake: He was a man I'd met when I was younger......A great man. The only reason me and you are both here If I'm being honest.

Girl: what does that mean?

Jake: When you get older I can tell that story

Girl: ok, and ur friend sounds nice. can I meet him?

Jake: Unfortunately we can't, I lost him some time ago

Boy: than let's go find him

Jake: We can't.... he passed away.

Girl: Oh, r u ok?

Jake: I'm ok honey, just remembering good times.

Girl: but ur crying? it's ok daddy

Jake: Thank you sweetie. And they're happy years. He would've loved you so much.

Girl: He would?

Jake: Most definitely, he probably would have spoiled you rotten. I want you to this

Girl: the compass?

Jake: yes

Girl: but it's your's daddy?

Jake: It was mine, now it is yours. Mr. Wilson did say to pass it on to my children.

Girl: thank you daddy

Jake: Ofc, but you have to promise daddy one thing ok?

Girl: yea?

Jake: Take care of it, as you'll soon take care of me

Girl: I will

© Aries Andino

I spent all morning and afternoon writing this, after deleting it twice by mistake. So pls be nice😂

I might come back to revise and work on it more.