

"Watch out for the..... Wait, What?"
Social isolation had forced an eerie silence upon them. While fear haunted their existence, one question was at the forefront.
When was this going to end?
Little did everyone know that pwasn't going to end it was just the beginning the start of an age of enlightenment. mankind was supposed to experience transcendence, almost like a worldwide Renaissance. as it turns out it becomes a descent into madness.
It was the year 2020. For many years people said the world would come to an end in 2020, they are partially right. That's when it all started to fall apart, but it was matter of progression. There was no great earth-shattering destruction and the religious community had it all wrong too. God didn't descend from heaven to take the righteous home and destroy the rest. There was no zombie apocalypse. Well at least not the way we traditionally thought of it. It was a respiratory infection, a virus which we called " The CoronaVirus."
One night you'd fallen asleep to late-night television, but curiously woke up to the sounds of the static playing on the T.V. As you sit up, rubbing your eyes, you read the scrawling words of the Emergency Broadcast System
You glance at the clock. 3:33. Yawning, the television catches your eye, and as you watch, the EBS say something different, "Warning You are being watched," as you sat there you began to wonder. Thinking to yourself that's odd. and before you knew it the sun was up and morning had begun. You go about your day but something just seemed to be different. People who normally were out around that time were nowhere to be seen. It was like it was a ghost town. Where is everybody? It's was like nobody existed. No cars were driving, nobody was walking, nothing at all for miles. Not even the sound of kids getting ready for school. Something really wrong was happening and I was going to find out one way or another if it was the last think I do.

To be continued........

~Katherine Marie McBean