the forest(Horror thriller)2nd part
The wife and the child became ghosts so, the forest is named as devil's forest the husband entered the house and laughed and went out! the police have arrived there for a while,and investigated about the case, and the police officer said that: the husband has planned to kill his wife and he had arranged the killer he is not a psycho he behaved like that to escape from the case reason behind the killing of wife and son:he didn't got dowry for the marriage by promising that his uncle said that: we will give in 6 months but it completed about years so.,this was the reason now, the present(1st part): the man who had entered the forest was the forest ranger the wife(ghost) had came like a white like structure and killed the husband
{ The End}
{those who didn't understood read the first part}👍
© lokesh babu
{ The End}
{those who didn't understood read the first part}👍
© lokesh babu