


The cat, in a rage of nightmare, learned of the demise of which no man --- or cat --- would be destined to acquire.

It was Lenore, the land of lucid dreams, which had never been cured of dilapidation or decay, and was rotting at that instant. All seemed oddly demoniacal and devilish, so that this cat was brought to horror.

The decay thither, however, was strangely different from the decay off at the other realms of dreams --- that it seemed to have multifarious layers that had rotted. Seemingly lost, the cat believed that he should crawl further to a warmer plateau of lucid dreams, where the so-called Kai'ęt Cult used to lay.

The Skai clan had fought them before. Yet they failed --- as legends speak --- when a certain warrior had betrayed them in an act of the gods. They were harmed in many ways, and retreated to the Ûbť temples of Uerf to speak to Shůb-ťhaht when the gods' priest was still young. They begged him to kill the Kai'ęt Cult, as their blasphemous religion of Juñ-hîn-zķai and the god of Manton's Horror may be a little too violent, although should not be at all a part of a so-called 'peaceful religion'.

The further the cat crawled in despair through the plateau of dreams that was Lenore, the more he heard a strange pit pat, pit pat, pit pat of a stranger vessel nearby.

Of course he did not like the noise, and was wholly agitated vastly by the sounds --- so thus looked around to see what was making the noise, and wherefore. When looking behind him, nothing was to be seen, and he decided to head back and go somewhere else in Lenore. Whispers were sounded, and the cat seemed further frightened, so that she began to run faster and faster, before getting trapped by the abhorrent Kai'ęt Cult.

To and fro the cultists ran towards the unbidden trap, and trodden closer yet carefully, so that they may see the cat from a safe distance. They knew the cat well, since they had a history with the Egyptian Pharaoh cats of dream, which had guarded the lands for a millenia. Now, the Kai'ęt wanted to kill them all.

The more the cat struggled, the harder it was for her to come loose. She began to pray to Gagnarotothoa, begging for help!

No seraph nor daemon had come thereof, so that the safety of the cat was uncertain; before the cat used her sharp claws to break loose of some rope. The cultists screamed in tribal tongue, with many an "Abah! Abah!" and " Igth! Igth!" as the cat fought them.

Then an "Arkhth!" was screamed, yet no answer was sounded. Then, out of the unbroken black of the smoke in the sky of the plateau, the three seraphim of Hthoarm came from the two suns in the sky, and spoke in the English tongue. They asked the cat, thereafter creating peace, where or what or who the cat was searching for.

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