

You can't hold me
Louis, a pawn shop owner. Antique rare objects was his area of interest. He always tried to find things like that and collected them. But this time he had to pay a pretty big prize for his craziness to collect these things.

One fine afternoon a mysterious guy entered his shop with a box in his hands. He said it was a Dybbuk Box, real one. Curious Louis buys it.

He brings the box in his house and puts it on the table. He enjoys the dinner with his family. But suddenly he smells cat urine nearby. But they had no cat. The whole family searches the house for a cat or the source of that smell cause it was getting stronger by every passing minute. But they failed to find one. Then they start to smell a fragrant. Louis's wife says " It's Jasmine. But here? it's not possible!!"

All were confused and tired with all that search. After no success, everyone retired to their beds. Louis started to have strange nightmares. Being chased by an unknown guy with an axe in his hands and getting brutally chopped to death.

Many days passed. With each night the nightmare got scarier. Louis noticed these changes came after he brought the Dybbuk box. He picked the box and opened it.

That night was the night of terror for that family. They never knew now their fate was in the hands of a box. A Dybbuk box.

From that day there was no sign of Louis nor of his family. They just vanished. Many search teams was send there. But failed there was no sign of them.

Just a note "You can't hold me. I will come back. Next guy will be you. Be ready." and the Dybbuk was on the table, closed.