

New York was busyer than ever.Carson was handing out mail about how a crew called The Drones explored through the Titanic.As Carson was doing this he hit a rock on his bike.He tumbled down onto the hard concrete floor. Luckly he was able to get back up before anyone saw him.After he mailed all of it he headed back home for some lunch."Oh dear it looks like we have a big storm coming"his mother said."If we do i will go get supplies Ok?"He said.So he set off again but there was somthing starage about the sky it looked darker than the ever.He Flew all the way to the store and buy him some batteries,furit,vegetables,and some water.It started raining and thunder.He soon got back home and heard about a madger Hurrican that was gonna hit.In a town called Desoto they were warned for Mulitpe Tornados.And in Las Vegas there were issued for a tsunami.The news man said this could be the end of the world.His mother and him got to the basement with all there belongings.As soon as they did that a huge roar of thunder spreaded through out the and knocked the power out.Then they saw little droplets of water coming from there roof above them.In Desoto 6 tornadoes struck down destroying everything in its path.In Vegas, A mighty Tsunami over 1,900 feet came rushing down on the citizens who were at beach.For all Carson knew The weather man was right IT IS THE END OF THE WORLD