

Guyyyys, The Leading of the Spirit is real!

Stay with me as I share my experience.

Last Thursday, I went to my department to submit my files. But, I got disappointed when I got there as I met the room I was directed to locked. I really didn't want to go back the next day because of the Tfare and stress.

I was about to head to the gate when something told me to go back upstairs. It sounded strange because I remembered that the door was locked, so there was no way that which spoke to me were my thoughts. It came again, this time with another instruction to remove the files from my bag and hold it in my hand as I go upstairs.

I knew it wasn't my thoughts, so I obeyed, I went upstairs and found the door locked, I felt stupid for obeying but I stayed for about 3mins. I was about to leave again only for me to see an opened door straight ahead, I went there and I met a woman. She saw the files in my hand and without even asking any other questions, she redirected me to another room (which was not the room I went before), meaning that I went to the wrong room earlier.

I kept smiling to myself throughout the day after submission with the excitement of the fact that I was led that day. Funny right? but it's true.

Sometimes, we go through unnecessary pains because we've refused to take leadings seriously. We've resulted in calculative movements when the one who knows the way is within us.

Are you confused about something? Dear, ask Him.
Do you not know what to do? You can ask Him.
He will lead you in a way you'll understand, trust me. You just need to be obedient.


© Iretomiwa