

//The Haunted House//
//The Haunted House//

I hate it when my parents left me alone in the House. As I am very easily scared when I am alone. One day, My parents with my siblings have to visit to my grand parents village. My Grand father is not well. I didn't go with them as my college exam is going on. So, they left me alone in the house. At night, when I locked all the doors and closed the windows properly as my parent's instructed me to do so. I am feeling frightened because I am alone in the house it will give me the feeling of that of a Haunted house everything seems to me alive and wants to talk with me...First I calm myself by saying that everything is in your mind nothing happen. Just Relax.
I feel thirsty so I go in the Kitchen for drinking water where I heard a creepy noise at my closed kitchen window. I thought it may be a spider or a cockroach crawling through it. As the darkness of light was falling home, it was scary as I am all alone. When I switched on the lights, I saw there was a big weird spider and a insect at my window. The big spider eating a insect who was stick in his web. When I saw this all, it make me so petrify that in just a second, I thought that spider killed me also, but I took some courage and take a big spoon and make the spider killed.
After that something weird happened in my kitchen, lights gone, it become so dark i can't see anything only a little bright full moon's light is come from my window and suddenly my closed kitchen window opened himself or by magic I don't know it make me so scared that I was started sweating, then I saw two witches come on the broom with their magic wand. I am so horrified to saw them coming towards me and I started crying very heavy tears which rolled down into my cheeks, my heart beats as fast as it can be. I wanted to run but I can't run beacuse the witches do magic on me with their magic wand so because of that I am not able to move my legs. One witch come close to me and tide my hands and Legs too. The other witch comes near my face and then I started shaking and sweating my face is full of horror to saw the witch come closer to me and said in my ear that Today is our day to take you into the dark horror world of ours. We kill you there and share your blood with our companions. I pleaded him please please don't take me don't take me to your world, I resist a lot but none can help me out. They both maniacingly laugh at me, then I fainted and she flew me into their world.
When I wake up, and found that I am fine and I am in my own world not in the world of witches. I feel very delighted all that was just happen in my dream and was not true.

© -SK✍️-