

The Knight of the West Episode 5 Zeria
Zeria is one of the biggest kingdoms of the north, being led by a noble King, King Zaac, and the infamous knights from 6 corners of the earth, Sir Ian from Luxemburg a young talented knight, Sir Prox of Kerxia kingdom a sadistic but noble knight, Sir Ba-ok a knight that has a body like rock but has a good heart, Sir Kiaw of Liberty county a young noble prince of Liberty, Sir Nathan a young monk turned knight from Patnongon and Sir Nalds of Nalupa County. They meet twice a year at Zeria and that makes Zeria the untouchable kingdom. But the kingdom is suffering not from war or bandits but from a hideous Dragon called Zielo, it ravages villages and fields, thousand of soldiers were dispatched to take care of Zielo but no one return alive. The arrival of Kradel's group has to reach King Zaac's attention and he immediately instructed his daughter Ziria to look for Kradel and his knights. Meanwhile at the tavern Kradel and team are eating and drinking when a group of imperial soldiers together with Ziria arrives, Who is Kradel here?! shout by one of the soldiers Gunnar stand and answered Kradel is behind this sword, the imperial guard draw their sword but Ziria said "enough, I am Ziria the king's daughter we are here to pass the king's invitation to warrior Kradel, all people in the tavern knell in respect to the king's daughter, and Kradel I apologize my princess for the attitude of my knight and we will gladly receive the invitation of the king. At the palace, King Zaac and princess Ziria receive them, Kradel knell down and said 'How can I serve the great King? king Zaac immediately says please stand up great warrior, we have heard of your great heroic deeds from the amazons to rescuing your knights

© alexander