

The journey of 9 months pregnancy

The most precious feeling of a girl's life.

1st month - happiness has no bound when pregnancy kit will show you a positive sign. The only word you will start to chanting is I am becoming a mom.

2nd month - my diet improved. morning sickness begins. But it's the best moment when you will hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. And a smile will appear on your face. A real big smile.

3rd month - It feels like a rollercoaster of irritation, mood swings, vomiting, cravings, tears, emotions. But when you visit the doctor and on the screen, you will see your baby's body and it already took a shape.

4th month - stretch marks, itching, the food you will love baby won't like it and you will end up trashing it out. but the best thing that happens in this month is you can see your baby's tiny creatures.

5th month - your breasts started to grow with your tummy. You can not sleep straight so try to sleep mostly on the left side because it's good for the baby. And this month you will have a great experience. You the baby started to kick. It's a beautiful feeling but it pains slightly.

6th month - we both started to grow more. From this month the real pain starts. This month, you can start to feel the baby's presence inside your womb. Your bond will start to grow with a child.

7th month - The cutest thing that happens this month is the baby shower. Small function for an unborn baby and for his mother. Excitement took different places in your Life. Your face will bloom.

8th month - more careful and less patience. You have to keep yourself busy to divert your mind. It feels like your body belongs to someone else. The baby will start to kick like a champion.

9th month - everything seems different, uncomfortable, on the labor time pain starts like cramps. This month baby wants to come out and It will take all energy of yours to give birth.

You may never know my child how hard I prayed for you.

© heenatales
#pregnancy #child