

🐺 THE CAVE 🐺 (Part 17)
Aden said "Ok! Lancy! You sit on my back! ", Lancy asked confused "why?", Aden replied "yes! Don't you want to have this new experience too?", I said "Lancy come on say ok!", Lancy said in cold tone "ok!", Then Mr.Herman and Aden changed into a wolf! Lancy and I climbed on top of them and sat down!

Then they started to run! Aden howled "ooowooooooo!", I tried to do the same for him and I shouted "oohhooo", Lancy started to Laugh! And she said "hahahah! Lia! What are you doing? It's so funny!", Then we both laughed! We came down from the mountain! Aden and Mr. Herman became human beings!

Then we came to our house! Lancy said patiently "You both have lunch here and we're cooking!", They said "okay!", Then Mr. Herman looked at the photo on their table and asked "who.... Who is this?", I said with tears in my eyes "This is my father!", Mr.Herman asked in shock "father?", I said "Yes! He died in a fire accident!".

Suddenly Mr.Herman said "ohhhh! I have a meeting I forgot So be sure to go immediately! Aden you come with me too!", I asked in a doubt "But Boss! Today Sunday!", Mr.Herman said nervously "No Lia! It's a personal meeting!", I said"ohh! ok boss!", Aden said "But Herman! Lancy is going to cook for us!".

Mr.Herman said calmly "Sorry Lancy! I have to go! It's a important meeting!", Lancy smiled said "Okay!", Then they both got in the car right away! Lancy said confused "Lia! You were Mr. Herman's assistant and you did not know about that meeting? ", I said "No Lancy! I don't know about his personal!".

Lancy asked in doubt "But you also him personal assistant Lia!", I said "Yes Lancy! But Mr.Herman has never told me about his personal work!", Lancy said calmly "Let it go Lia! Let's cook!"......

🍀 To be continued 🍀


© ms_writer_8