

Fragile love...Part 2(The confession)
Soon, the Summer vacations came to an end....

Nidhi and l had become so close that we were almost inseparable. It seemed as if she never really had anyone care about her selflessly. She had always been the centre of attention but soon l realized how empty she was deep down. Though she still managed to be strong, it broke my heart everytime she faked a smile. She shared many of her secrets with me like how her mom moved out with her little sister after the divorce while she stayed with her dad. Nidhi complained how her dad was always busy and how she always ordered food online. I couldn't help but invite her to my house for lunch to which she actually agreed. Nidhi soon became a part of my family. My mom was really fond of how smart and talented Nidhi was. This girl really had some charm to attract people. Soon, my house became a regular hang out spot for us. Nidhi became an integral part of my life and maybe this feeling was mutual. Looking at how close we were, it wasn't unexpected for others to assume that we were dating. But Nidhi never denied the rumors. She would just change the topic which left me bewildered. Soon, the session came to an end. Despite her misery at home, this brilliant girl topped again with 96% and the winter vacations commenced. But unlike the summers, winters became a lot warmer for me. Reason? Nidhi ofcourse. We would hang out almost everyday which left me overjoyed. But with time, my feelings for her grew stronger which l couldn't ignore anymore but as l said, Nidhi was my priority not some pety feelings so l never thought of confessing but Nidhi sure had a way to make me spill out.

Nidhi: Sam...do have an ex?

Huh? What's with this all of a sudden?

Nidhi: just asking...do you?

You already know the answer, don't you? Are you teasing me now?

Nidhi: Hahaha...yea obviously. How could Sam the fool have an ex.

You know what? I'm leaving. Good luck with your teasing.(I stood up and turned around. I wasn't actually going to leave but she soon grabbed my hand looking deep into my eyes)

(I turned away and then said mockingly)...
What? Never seen someone so handsome before? Do you need an autograph?

Nidhi lowered her head and mubbled: Do u like someone?

Huh?! What do you mean?

Nidhi: l asked if you have a crush.

(I noticed she wasn't joking this time. She ...was quite serious)

Why do you ask? It's not like l can date her.

Nidhi: And...why can't you date her?

I'm sure she has thousand better options. And why should she even be with a nobody like me.

Nidhi: Sam...is that really what you think of me?


Nidhi (angrily): Quit acting you idiot! I know you like me but seriously? Nobody like you? Do you think l take you as a nobody? You said we were best friends. Do you think lm such a selfish person to consider you a nobody?

What!!!!?????! You knew!!!!??? Since when?!

Nidhi: You call me an open book right? But in reality the open book here is you! You ran around in heavy rain by giving me the umbrella. Remember? You left your brother in the middle of the street just to console me at the park. You handed me your history assignment when mine was undone and ended up getting your parents called. You think lm blind not to notice anything?

You saw all that?!..

Nidhi: Ofcourse l did dummy! Just pop the question. How longer will you make me wait?

( A whirlwind of emotions ran through me. But l didn't dare to waste another second).

I wasn't going to confess so soon that too without any preparations but...fine!...will you go out with me?

She didn't answer but smirked, grabbed my collar, leaned close and soon enough l found her lips on mine. " I thought you would never ask Sam."

(I turned bright red and turned around...too shocked to speak while she kept giggling and teasing me).

Nidhi: How long do you plan to stay like that..hahahaha. Just look at how red your face is.

You think this is funny? Wait, you know what? Take responsibility for ruining my first kiss like that.

Nidhi: What do you mean by ruining...haha

Well, l was too shocked to apprehend what was going on.

Nidhi: so you won't be shocked now? Well then...

She grabbed my collar again, pulled me close, smirked looking into my eyes and...this time l kissed her back. Magical would be an understatement. No words can describe the rush of excitement l felt. I felt as if l was on top of the world. My distant dream had finally come true.

Nidhi and l dated for almost a year. We became the perfect example of "couple_goals" among our classmates. With Nidhi by my side l felt as if l could conquer the whole world. No jealousy, no trust issues, nothing. We were just two souls trying their best to make each other happy. We barely had any arguements that year. But as it's said, nothing stays forever and change is a part of life.

Soon, the absolute horrer of an average 12th grader "The board exams" knocked on the doors. Nidhi and l focussed more on studies as this exam was considered to be the stepping stone of our career. We talked less and hanging out was simply out of syllabus. But our bond never changed. It remained intact and seemed even stronger than before.

Authors note: The third and the final part will be uploaded in a week. Stay tuned mates.
© Bunnyy