

A Billionaire's Love ❤️ ( Chapter - 5)
"Whether a single hug leads to love!"

No, it's not!!
Meera is not a easy-going person who will fall for some random person.

Naveen was happy that he hugged Meera but not knowing his real emotions for Meera.

Because he never ever experienced love even from his parents.

The Bitter Flashback:

Naveen is travelling in a car with his parents but unexpectedly the car met with an accident.

But Naveen is rescued by some police officers, unfortunately he lost his parents.

From that moment, he had a hatred towards society that noone helped his parents.

The police officers too saved him after two to four hours only when his patrol crosses the accidental zone.

Because of this selfish society, he thinks that he lost his parents and now he too became a selfish one for external world but internally he is still the same lovable and caring person.

He just need someone to wakeup his real character towards world.

"Being blind is really not a physically- challenged one, but being blind at heart just for the sake of world is like cheating onself and world without love is really an mentally-challenged one!"

Meera is the total opposite of him.
She always pray for others each and every day.

One day, Meera had seen Naveen but in that case he is a true one "Ram".

Ram is speaking with his clients for some deals.

From their actions, Meera came to know about his true behaviour.

She even came to know that, he is the head of Uma Industries.

So she feels really angry, that someone acted to be with her as a friend.

she wanted to blast him at any cost.

But the securities caught her hand and thrown out of the cafe which was owned by Ram.

Ram didn't noticed Meera!!

Meera is fuming in anger towards Naveen but Naveen is positive towards Meera than thinking as love!!

Ram started thinking Meera even at his break timings but not ready to accept the truth that is only and only love.

What is going to happen??
Whether love wins or anger wins??
How Ram is going to handle the situation??
Will they separate or love or be an never-related couple!!

To be Continued ❣️❣️❣️❣️

© Fragrance