

Don't You Dare Say My Name Old Man
Yeah, I really mean it this time. Just the other month you came home and told me to pack up my bags. You ordered me to move out. Your house, your rules I reasoned so I let you have the damn win hoping you would cool down and later we could perhaps talk it out but my oh my was I wrong.

A few days after leaving your residence I come across some relatives, and what's the first thing they tell me? Shame on you boy. I am flabbergasted. I mean, I almost didnt know the damn people since I rarely see them. I just snobbed them and moved along.

At night my sister tells me that you made calls to people claiming I ran away from home to do drugs and join a gang. LOL. For a man your age you sure do know how to play around with words.

A gang? Really now. I expected a far better story since I'm your son but it seems I didn't pick up my creativity from your side of the family and thank God for that. I would have preferred you to have kept quiet so as to atleast retain your dignity if not your guilty conscience.

All this false allegations are really making me feel fed up with you. I respected you, as a father and as a man but ever since I became a man, you've been a total menace in my story or maybe perharps you fear I'll become twice the man you ever was.

I wonder how I can openly admit you to be my father after this. Forgive me people but my defination of him is SH*T.

I'll say this once and I sure hope to never repeat it again for you remaining dignities sake.
Ofcourse I can never get physical with you, that would be insanely stupid since you are a walking corpse so I hope you will put this to thought.

I'll never live a life like yours. I get that you hate me because of my mother but wow, you have really low standards and forgive me for saying the truth.

Other kids beat their dads but I put up with your shit. Good luck living an empty life big man.

I hope you feel better after spreading such rumours about mecause I for one know your opinion of me can go down six feet under just like you for I'm betting you aint got that much time left judging by your health reports. Drink all you want, drink even your f*ckin piss since im sure you'll enjoy it.

I wish you all the best Big man, aka man of the house. Good luck with yourself.

With love, your so called addict of a son,
Makabila.(lucky Sleek)