

Transform into love or heartbreak
Damn , school dragging slower than usual. I could use a bre..
"Miss.Blanc I hope your paying attention",to be honest I'm not even sure I'm sitting here but sure as hell am I telling her that.
"Yes.."I'm not "i am"
"Good now tell me what we were discussing"
Okay I'm currently working on my ..
what it's called .. behaviour that's it and if I know Mrs.Hue ,and I do I'm getting the first detention of the year in 3,cue the scwol 2,cue the pen,1
"Detention after school"cue slip,cue laughs"here!" ,and with that everyone starts laughing.You can call me the school joker. Well I guess there's no better time for me to tell you who I am .I'm Stacy Blanc ,I'm 15 and only have three friends and am the butt of everyone's jokes ,why?Because I have a hot brother whom on my first day told everyone I'm a girl who wouldn't leave him alone(yeah right like I'd follow him around like a love struck puppy)any way he told everyone to do with me as they please, and they do .
Well time for the worst part of my day and thats my gym locker. Walking down the hallways I can actually hear their stares ,not feel but hear like I sai d before the butt of everyone's jokes except for my only friends. I take my time walking to gym cause I don't want a bunch of girls making fun of my body ,I know I'm gonna be late but I'll take my chances in detention then with my brother's girlfriend.