

Both are equal
This writing is dedicated to the crowd who thinks that women are weak they can't even exsist in the world if they didn't got support by men, to all the women who can destroy a person's life by putting false allegations and misuing the laws which are made to protect them. In the earlier times people use to differenciate the work on the basis of gender like household works than should be done by women, earning work was done by men. But in today's world its total opposite now person are described by the work rather than on the basis of gender like a master chef can be a male also female also. Butin today's world its total opposite now person are described by the work rather than on the basis of gender like a master chef can be a male also female also. But there are few people who just differentiate both the genders on the work like i have seen people who have mindset like my wife is a housemaker she have to just sit relax live in the house with the kids and we men have to work hard in the office to earn there are so much effort. We can't differenciate or count both the genders work or effort less or more. In the office if men is working giving his best to the company he work for it grows and in return he earns and in case of housewife she not seats back watches tv she takes care of whole house the children parents. A role of a man and a women can't be measured or stated as less or more or can't be compared. The sacrifices efforts love they give to their people is not comparable like in life both the genders have to go through various transformations, in this transformation they learn they sacrifice for example since childhood a girl is thought to adjust in everything like you are getting facilities here but as you get married you wont get at your husband's house so learn cooking and household work, a girl's tranformation to a women is along way. And a boy has to sacrifice his dreams in order to fulfill the parents dreams and to be a perfect guy who is able to get married and take care of girl and take responsibility. A women has a power to nourish strength and nurture the people she is living with. A man is backbone of the people he is living with he gives direction to the person he earns for family. Both the genders plays equally important roles in each others and people's lives they are living with. A women as a wife plays a role of a guide, supporter, motivator, friend, lover, she is the person who give directions to the thoughts of his man and children. She has power to fill souls of her people with and care and also the power of destruction by the thoughys of jealousy. That's why it is said that a women can make the house or either break the house. A husband plays a role of guide supporter and understandable person to the wife. He is the person who introduces her to the members of family to her, he is the one makes an image of her in front of others, for example i have noticed if a men does not treat his women with respect and care in front of others than other people start treating her the same way his man treats her. People start to think that his own man is not giving her respect care why would we bother to give her its fine. Both the persons are mentor to their children they both also plays a vital role in making image or personality in the mind of children as parent. For example if a child does a mistake and his father scolds him than he thinks that father is always rude he is always angry he don't understands me than here a mother's role is to clearify these misunderstandings of child regarding to this father. Both the parent are the representors of the eachother in front of children.
Both the genders plays a vital role in forming the personality of their child.
Both the genders plays an equal role in every aspect of life. Even lord shiva was incomplete without shakti, both of them are equally important for the universe. Even five pandavs where unable to find the way to form pure protected which we called it as "Dharam" without draupadi. Gandhari lived her whole life blindfolded inorder to understand the situation her husband dhitarast has faced and lived as he was blind even though she was sacred of darkness. Balance is possible in life when both genders give equal importance to the efforts care love they have regarding each other rather than measuring and considering who's work or efforts are more who is superior. Life imbalances when one considers the efforts and hardwork of the other less than his or her.
Rather than measuring both the genders should respect the efforts care hardwork love which they have regarding then and their own people, both should act and consider each other as a supoort system and the mirror which makes them understand their mistake and help them to correct, both should act as a motivator in the hard times which heals the wounds and helps to let go the thoughts and things that hurted them. Both should respect the freedom transparency love emotions feelings thoughts of each other.
#WritecoStory #storytelling #both #Are #equallybeautiful #LoveHasNoGender #lovemorenmore💓 #equalsociety