Both are equal
This writing is dedicated to the crowd who thinks that women are weak they can't even exsist in the world if they didn't got support by men, to all the women who can destroy a person's life by putting false allegations and misuing the laws which are made to protect them. In the earlier times people use to differenciate the work on the basis of gender like household works than should be done by women, earning work was done by men. But in today's world its total opposite now person are described by the work rather than on the basis of gender like a master chef can be a male also female also. Butin today's world its total opposite now person are described by the work rather than on the basis of gender like a master chef can be a male also female also. But there are few people who just differentiate both the genders on the work like i have seen people who have mindset like my wife is a housemaker she have to just sit relax live in the house with the kids and we men have to work hard in the office to earn there are so much effort. We can't differenciate or count both the genders work or effort less or more. In the office if men is working giving his best to the company he work for it grows and in return he earns and in case of housewife she not seats back watches...