

Honest Mistake
There is no one in this world who can live without making a mistake. Every person got his/her peculiarities or rather a better word would be imperfections but despite of that loving someone and trusting someone with all your soul and heart is what defined to TRUE LOVE..!!! No love is a mistake. When people come in relationship swearing oaths never to fall apart and live there life with each other to their fullest but eventually under certain circumstances they leave each other saying a mistake is a complete fake fate with which they convince themselves. No it wasn't a mistake. The only mistake you did was leave them high and dry instead of trying harder. That's what worth most....trying to be in a relationship to last it forever and not end it with some misunderstanding. Many people go through this phase and blame the relationship...The most dishonest mistake a person does...
#Honest #Mistake

- Yash Mhatre