

Narcissist. Prolouge.
"The world's too unfair for this family. It's not like I'm surprised or what, it's just that, I'm disappointed on how all these money are being kept and in no use. We can't buy your lives."

He handed me his handkerchief. I smiled as I used it to wipe my tears. I hate to be emotional in front of him, but these tears betrayed me and just flow down without my consent.

"But I'm finally doing good. I think I can handle myself now. I think I can walk on the right path again. Without any guidance of the Diaz sisters. God knows how fucked up those three are, but I'm still thankful that they're trying their best to compose everyone."

I chuckled a little bit as I placed the flower in the little vase in the middle of the two fanciest jars in the house.

"It's been years now, Mom and Dad. Don't worry about me and Zirry. I'm taking my meds and coping up with everything. Besides..."

I looked at the man right behind me who's genuinely listening to my speech in from of my parents' ashes. Good thing he doesn't think that I'm going crazy again because I'm talking to my dead parents.

"Wynn's been taking care of me, or maybe I'm taking care of him?"

"Tell them the truth!"

I chuckled and did not bother to look at him. I know that his nose is already crinking and glaring at me. He's always like this. That's why I love him.

"Okay, he's talking care of me at the mean time. I've been through so much that I need someone's healing hands hahaha."

I suddenly felt his warm arm embrace my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. I rested my head against his chest as I look at my parents' portrait above the ashes.

Healing took a really long time. I don't know if he can still wait. I don't know if he can still endure all the pain. But all I know is that I love him and he loves me that he chose to stay.