

Things I do for love(part 4)
“ so, today we are gonna’ discuss reproduction”, Zoology sir was very clear and the entire class was silent especially boys.
“Satheesh! I wanna’ say you something!”, Guru started.
“is it so important? Why can’t say it after this class!”, he hesitated. He could see tears in Guru’s eyes.
“what happened, man!”, Satheesh enquired.
“did you listen the class? We are just the offsprings. Have we done anything wrong. Of course, am a result of their nasty night. I don’t see that so bad but they just threw me into the garbage like something else. What did I do? Didn’t they get even a single minute to see me. They are on their way now and I don’t even whether they are together.
You are so lucky, , man. You have a got a father who shares all his feelings of love and he shows all his heroic acts towards you. He is allowing you to be free. How many of our dadies do that? You are blessed, man. And see! I have someone loving me truly for the first time. I feel responsible. I’ll never leave her down but whenever I look behind my past, it’s empty, man. I have no memories of childhood and I really hate it”, he started crying.
“hey! Calm down. There’s nothing so weird in your life. People are so worse than us in this world but we use to focus only on our negativities. I could understand you but your parents are the real pure souls, man. They take the atmost care of you but you don’t even talk to them well. If you like my dad very much, you have all the rights to have him. He loves you , all of you.
Never think of your ugly past, actually they are not. They are just a part of your life. You think that you’ve been all these days but you have never considered you parents until now. Think of them. You knew how it feels to be hurt but you do the same to them. Come on cheer up man! We are all with you…”, Satheesh convinced.
“what’s going on there?”, sir yelled.
“nothing sir!”, both shouted hiding and the class was over. After the school was over, everyone went home. On that day, Satheesh was ready for his night session. Joseph entered the kitchen and he saw Mithra cooking in there.
“hey my love!”, he hugged from the back.
“hi!”, she replied with tears in her eyes.
“hey! What happened?”, he asked.
“Joseph! What did we do? Why did we end up like this? We loved each other, that’s it right? Is that a sin or what? I lost my parents….. and your parents, they didn’t even turn up till date?”, she started crying.
“it’s ok, ok… everything’ll be fine. They will understand us someday. Don’t feel my love. Don’t make me feel. You are my everything….”, he hugged her saying this.
“enough of all your romance! Go see your son. He is waiting for you”, she pushed him. Joseph entered his room and this time he decided to sleep there. As usual they started…
“dad! Why did you stay at home? Did you have some fever or what?”, he mocked.
“fever? nothing like that! how is your studies going on?”, he asked.
“dad! Tell me what happened?”, Satheesh kept on asking…
“ok, I’ll tell you. The previous I missed her very much and I believed that she would have felt the same. I clearly knew that she would be really curious to meet me the next day. I remained at home and what happen is…
She entered the college with lots of expectations. She wanted to see me and she would have felt like consoling me for not coming up the day before. She asked all my friends where I was but she was irritated and actually that is what I wanted. The same day evening, I went college as if I didn’t care anything. I was sitting on the same stairs. She rushed towards me. I felt like hugging her so tight but I controlled. She was really angry on me. She called me in privacy and of course, I went.
“where did you go all the day?”, she asked.
“nothing so important! I just slept at home!”, I was so casual.
“oh! So simple, right?”, she was dragging. Finally she opened up…
“ I was searching for you the entire day and you are so casual!”, she yelled.
“why did you search me? Anything important?”,I countered. She had nothing to say.
“no, it’s like…”, she tried leaving.
“Mithra! enough of all our distances. So you won’t agree that. It’s fine. I’ll say you. I feel like being with you every second and I think am in love with you. I’ve seen lot of girls and many have been behind me but I feel something in you. I think we could make it…”, I was on my flow.
“Joe! Look, my parents will not accept us. They are so orthodox. They’ll not take us in”, she was constantly saying this hugging me.
“everything will happen well. Believe me!”, I hugged her tight. Days were like wonderland after that. We use to hang out often and we were the hot couple of all times. Everything went well…”, he slept saying. He saw his father as the romantic boy of all times. He thought of all his conversations with Guru in the class. He saw his father sleeping so calm. He hugged his father for whatever he have given for him. He was really happy thinking of his father. He hugged him close saying, “ love you, daddy!”
The same scene was happening in the other house and it was none other than Guru. He too was hugging his father so close and he said, “ love you daddy!...

The next day, Joseph woke him up saying, “ get up, man! Its time. You have to get to your school!”, he rushed.
“dad! Am not feeling well. Am gonna stay home today…”, Satheesh replied.
“really? Let’s go to doctor, then”, he urged.
“love is tricky, dad”, Satheesh laughed.
“you… do something but never say this to your mom”, he hit him and left. Satheesh was alone the whole day and he was really bored. He thought of the situation in the school. He thought that she would have searched for him the entire day. He was accompanied by lonliness and of course, we live our dreams only in lonliness! All our passion comes out and we try to something useful. Satheesh was scribbling some shits in the paper thinking of her. It is a very big fact that whatever we write at these times will appear to be more poetic to us. Every stanza would reflect our love and when other read it, we would be the happiest person in the world. However, he was waiting for the call from Guru…
The same day, Nil was out of her mood. She was along her friend but she felt lonely. She missed something. She clearly knew that it was him but she did not express. Everytime she looked at his place, she had lots of memories across her head but this time she tried convincing herself. She forced herself like nothing is unusual and she became normal. She attended all the classes and she went home. If this had happened for boys, they would make it know the entire school. It’s not that they don’t have control but that they are very much expressive…
As expected, Guru called him that evening…
“hey! What happened? Why were you absent today?”, he asked..
“what happened, Guru? Is anything so important?”, Satheesh was expecting him to say that.
“nothing, man. The day was very usual”, he replied.
“what did she do? Nila? did she search me?”, Satheesh had lot of questions.
Guru had nothing to say but, “no!”.
“nothing… she was normal and…”, he said but Satheesh hung up at the instant. He was really worried. Now he had lots of confusions. He did not get what he expected.
“Nila! Nila! why don’t you understand me? You have nothing for me? Atlast all of this is only out of friendship?”, he started worrying so much. He could not do anything. He was action less for a while and suddenly he had a phone call. He picked it up with hatred and said, “ enough, Guru. I’ll see to it. Go study for your exams…”, he tried hanging up.
“hello!”, a soft tune played in the other end.
“Nila? hey Nila! what’s up?”, he was screaming out of joy!
“ what happened Satheesh? Is everything alright? Why were you absent today?”, she was listing her questions. Satheesh was really happy about that. He was dancing on his bed.
“nothing serious, just a fever Nila!”, he replied. She had a lot to say but she restricted herself.
“ok, then!”, she tried hanging up.
Satheesh remembered his dad saying, “my son! Chances! chances are what we need. They’ll not be frequent and once it comes you have to use of it. Every chance is like a trump card for you. Of course, we love but we can’t be eloping around like that. Your mom! She’s my chance and I never regret saying that am nothing without her. I used it and am here.”
Now Satheesh had to lengthen the conversation and he had to finish all this play. “Nila! is that it? Nothing else?”, he asked.
“Satheesh!”, she was dragging.
“ you do this everytime. Your voice, it’s taking me up. I can’t resist anymore. Actually I can’t act anymore…”, he continued.
“you have started it again. Am tired of it. Let’s end up”, she urged.
“ am not a boy of such kind, Nila! you are making me do all these. I need to you. Today am doing well in my studies, that’s only because of you. I have cent percent attendance and that’s only because of you. Am being good to people, they are considering me, that’s all only because of you. All through these days, I’ve thought all those heroes in the films as unstable where they use change everything just for the sake of their partner. But now, am one of it. I don’t say that am a hero but you are my heroine. All the rest of my life, that should only be with you…”, he continued.
“Satheesh, you are too fast. We are just kids and moreover all your dreams will never be true. I ……”, she sobbed. She loved him but she was a stage she could not hurt him and she could not accept him. She was too cornered.
“Nila! Nila! this is my last call. Let’s meet up in private, somewhere you would like to be! It’s Sunday tomorrow and we’ll make it. So yes! ….or….make it yes”, he tried convincing her. There was silence for a minute and Nila hung up.
“I’ve broken it…again! again! again! she’ll never turn up. I’ve been advantageous. I should have not done that. How could you ask that literally?”, he was with lots of confusions. His mobile showed up a notification from her. He opened it so fast…
“Providence mall; Coffee day; 11 AM morning!”, he had it in his mind at that instant.
”sure! Sure! Baby. Love you”, he wanted to reply but he didn’t but he was happy. The night, he had no sleep. He was picturising lots of love with her and he was thinking about her dimples the entire night.
The next day, he was getting ready for his love. He had everything prepared as if he’s gonna’ attend an exam. He had borrowed his friend’s bike Apache( basically designed for brakes! For every break, you’ll have a break!). He wore a black shirt and matching blue jean completing it with his sneakers. He was all set and he was about to start. He thought of doing something else. He called his father.
“dad! Your trick, it worked out. Am gonna’ meet her. She’ve called me, dad! Am gonna’ end up like you. We’ll happy with all you….”, he was out of his excitement.
“calm down! You are going to meet your love, your life. Be confident! Whatever you think, say her from your heart. Be genuine, gentle and open. I know you’ll make it and you are my boy! You have no more lessons from your dad. Ensure one thing, return home only after she’s yours…make it my boy!”, he advised.
“fine dad!”, he hung up.
“is he going to attend any exam, Sir!”, one of his collegues asked Joseph hearing all this.
“he’s gonna’ make love!”, he smiled.
“what a dad you are? Aren’t you ashamed?”, he yelled.
Joseph sniffed for a second and said, “people not even considering their children’s desires at any point must be ashamed. I’ve seen parents dumping all their dreams on their children, they must be ashamed. Till date we are seeing these suicides of young people. Are they suicides? Not at all. They are murders done by caste crowned animals. They must be ashamed. Through all these our trends have changed; our styles have changed but all our stupid behavior towards our community never changed; our view about parenting never changed, by that even you have to be ashamed.
I’ve taught my son how to treat people. I’ve taught him to be decent and kind with lives. I have taught him to respect women and to speak up looking into their eyes. I’ve taught him what life is! And of course, am proud of it. Am sure. He’ll make it today. If you see this to be wrong…sorry, man! You are so backlagged. Bro! am a 70’s kid with 2K attitude”, he wore his sunglass in his own style and left the place. Satheesh was really confident. He kick started his bike and accelerated the bike. He was headed towards the mall…

Satheesh reached the mall and he parked his bike. He corrected his hairstyle and he entered. He had lot of things to impress her but he was bit nervous. Nila was already waiting there. I always wonder that how come all these girls are so early wherever they. They do most of the works at home; They top the results in board exams and they’ll be so fast and punctual in everything.
Coming over here, Satheesh saw her from a distance and he signaled his plans. One of the waiters over there carried the coffee cup with a heart printed in it with a tissue paper. He placed it over the table where she was sitting.
“I didn’t order this!”, she exclaimed.
“mam! This is for you from someone special!”, he left saying.
“ sorry for making you wait for me! This is the last time, you are waiting for me. For the last time, I wish to admire you from a distance. Am not gonna’ maintain space between us anymore!”, she read it.
He was looking at her reactions and he was happy looking her smile reading it. And then there was our hero entry adjusting his pants. She waved at him and went near her.
“hi! My love!”, he sat opposite to her. There was a lag thinking of who’s gonna’ start.
“so, you are not gonna’ speak up. You keep on talking at lunch periods and what happened now?”, he continued.
“Nila! I knew that it’s too fast. We are at school but we like each other. We’ll finish our studies and get settled and then we’ll hook up later. I can’t resist myself everytime Nila! weekly chats; monthly meetings and yearly outings will do. I’ll wait for you until you are ready. Nila! I have lot of surprises for you. Now you look at your…”, he kept on speaking.
Nila interrupted saying, “ wait! Wait! Be slow. I asked you to come here because I need to say something to you. I really wanted to…I like you very much. Whenever you are with me, I feel so comfortable and happy all the time. I’ll be waiting to see you everyday and I love all your silly acts to impress me but still love…am not in a situation to be commited to someone.
I miss you whenever you are gone but still am not ready for any relationship. My parents believe me a lot and I’ll not betray them. My father…. He has got lot of plans for my life. He’ll never accept me with you. He is so adamant…”, she was sobbing.
“plans for you? Why does he decide your path. It’s all about your wish Nila. how could they resist you? Is he mad or what? I don’t care about him. I just want your answer. I’ll wait for you but I need you to believe me”, he yelled.
“never talk any more word about my father. You have no rights in it. You are gonna’ wait for me? Oh really! Will you wait for decades for me? Will you? You’ll ruin your own life and try to be practical. Is it possible?”, she countered. All these girls will take a stand for their dads, inspite of all their love and the same happened here.
“decades? What’s there to do with decades? We will finish up our schoolings this year. We are going have our degrees and jobs and all these days we’ll be bound together. I’ll have my job in a hand and you in another”, he tried his level best controlling all his anger.
“Satheesh it’s not like that. We have all not got many Josephs to understand our feelings and help us and especially, I don’t. Things are so different in my house. Please understand me. I like you. I wanted you beside me everytime. You are more than a friend for me. I could never be without you but…..Satheesh I don’t need this. I don’t want to complicate things. Am not ready to ruin everything. Better try forgetting me!”, she pleaded. All his plans are flopped now and he was really terrified.
“I should forget you right! Forget you! Can you do that ever? If you can, I’ll leave you get out of here without any fucking excuses!”, he yelled.
“Satheesh! calm down. Don’t shout. People are watching. I don’t need this anymore. Am leaving”, she tried leaving.
“Nila stop! Am not done yet. I can’t start all this from the beginning. I am tired of eloping around you. I can sort out all your problems. Why do you keep me away all the time. Please sit down!”, Satheesh said.
“you’ll never understand. I can’t do it. Try to be matured and understand things. Better leave me. You’ll get someone better than me. You deserve more!”, she ran crying. Satheesh was standing there motionless for a moment. He could not understand what was happening. He was like, “ why do all these girls do it?”
He was looking at her back. He thought, “ of course, am a small boy, lady. Even I’ve got emotions. You break me everytime thinking that am easygoing. You are asking me to understand but never even tried to understand how I feel like everytime you left. Everytime you leave me taking half of my life with you. Am unarmed everytime and why don’t you get me?”, he started sobbing.
He felt like shouting but he didn’t. He left the place slowly. He started his bike and he accelerated. He rushed out of hatred on himself and his situation . he knew that he was on the one way but he rushed. He accelerated more and more. He met with an accident. He hit the doom light of an Omni van. He was carried over and he had blast on his head. He was unconscious. People gathered there and dialed 108…


© arvind