

My seed my plant
I managed to stay awake till my baby was delivered, I had achieved my goal of keeping my baby safe, but I couldn't hold on any longer, my eyes started to Black out, my body was getting cold and I couldn't breathe properly. all I could hear was the doctor screaming "we are losing her! we are losing her!, come on bring on the defibrillator, we are losing her!". I felt them put on an oxygen mask around my nose to help me breathe more, but that wasn't enough, my heartbeat stopped. with the help of the defibrillators I was stable had a successful surgery.
I woke up about 2 hours later with severe pains in my chest and abdomen. the first thing I asked of was my child, "is my my baby save?" "yes she is safe and as beautiful as you are" mother Diana said to me, "now tell me dear, how do you feel?..... oh God I thought I had lost you. Thank God you are okay" she said with tears in her eyes I could feel her pain she, had grown very fond of me within these past few months, it would have been hard for her if I had died. I hugged her and whispered into her ears "I'm never leaving you, I will never leave you alone mother. " Within 8 months the love we felt for each other was very admirable, I couldn't believe it myself. Maybe was because were from the same situation, because we understand each other and knew how it felt to lose someone you love. She sat by my side on the bed and said" I respect this journey you've taken, is a very long one I'm not saying it's not going to be hard, it's going to be hard, it's not going to be an easy task but remember that, at every step you take along this journey I will be right there to support and protect you, correct all your mistakes and make you feel proud of yourself. I didn't have the chance to raise my daughter I hope you allow me to raise you and your daughter as well"
"Of course mother, and of course you should have every right on my daughter and I . In these eight months is proving to be a better Mother than my biological one and there is no better than mother for my daughter than you, you are a blessing, a blessing I can never thank god enough for." " Well stop it now, you're making me blush. "she said as she cleans tears in her eyes" so what name are you giving my granddaughter then? "she asks. " I'm going to name her in a Renee, Renee sowah after your daughter with your permission of course. "she said nothing, she just sat there and began to cry" I'm sorry, if you don't approve of it, I can change the name I didn't mean to remind you of your pain" then she said "no........ no dear, I'm just happy thank you, thank you very much for once again giving me a reason to live, giving me Joy." she took her in her arms and said " welcome to our small family baby Renee, I promise to love you with all my heart."
I spent a week in the hospital before I was discharged. The police still didn't have any information on my Shooter, but that wasn't my priority at the moment, my priority was to make a good life for my Renee. I once again had a purpose in life, something I had to fight for. it was my baby, my Renee I wanted her to have all the best in life, for her not to face the betrayal of a mother like I did, or to feel the pain I've been through, I wanted her to be proud of who she was. I didn't want her to miss the fact that she didn't have a father.