

A Humorous Diary!! Chapter-4 College Friends!! (skit en inglés y español)
A Humorous Diary!!
Chapter-4 college friends!!
(A Humorous Diary) is a weekly skit written by A Juniors that steps into the life of some crazy people who always find themselves in humorous situations
Narrator: After a long time, James thought about his college days and all the stuff he used to do with his friends. He missed his old college friends and wanted to meet them again. Finally, he finds his old mate after a long time. Let’s see James’ reaction!

Scene: James is sitting on the couch in his house, drinking coffee.
(Suddenly, his phone notifies him of a missed call.)

James:( curious) Somebody missed called me. Let’s check on the caller ID
Ah, okay, here I go. Let’s see whose number this is.

Caller ID: luci!

James:( excitedly) Oh my God! A girl missed called me. That’s great. I’ll redial this number.

(James redials the number.)

James:( smoothly) Hello, Miss Luci! Thanks for calling me. I am ready for whatever you are planning!!

Caller:( confused) What are you ready for, James?

James:( suddenly nervous) Wait.......Caleb?

Caleb:(delightfully) Yes, buddy!

James:( shocked) Bloody hell! What are you doing with her?

Caleb:(confused) With whom?

James:(frustrated) With Luci!

Caleb:( laughingly) Who is Luci?

James:(confused) Someone missed called me named Luci.

Caleb:( confidently) Oh yeah, it was me.

James:(humorously) Your name is Luci?

Caleb:(laughingly)The number used to belong to someone named Luci, so maybe it’s not registered in my name yet.

James:(frustrated) Ah, I thought it was Luci, but look who it is — Lucifer!

Caleb:(mock insulted) you are hilarious Okay, bye!

(Call ends.)
James groans and started reading newspaper!
James: Let’s read the newspaper.

Newspaper Headline: Star Caleb married a juice seller, Alice Plumber!

James:(squinting) Caleb?! Oh, it’s Alex.

Newspaper Headline: A man got beaten up by a rhino while taking a selfie. Reports claim the rhino got hyper when he saw his face was not so clear in his picture!

James:(humorously) Poor man!

Newspaper Headline: Police suspect Late Mike’s lateness! Investigation ongoing!

James:(laughing) Haha, how funny that one needs to show proof even after death.

(Suddenly, a message notification sounds on James’ cell phone.)

James (curiously reading the message):
“Hey buddy,
It’s me, Clark. Remember me or not?
It’s been a long time since we met. Let’s plan something, buddy! I have someone special who wants to meet you. I know when you meet him, you’ll be really happy.
Take care, buddy!
Mwah 😘💋”

(Message ends.)

James:(smiling) Oh my God, wow! Finally, after a long time, he’s back. He said someone special wants to meet me. Sounds exciting! Let’s see.

(James starts typing a message.)

James: Hello buddy, after a long time! I was missing you so badly. Just come fast. I...