

The stair that leads nowhere
A windy night vihàan was walking alone back home . Vihàan knew someone was following him but everytime he turned back he could only see patches of a unshaped figure. As soon as he reached home he rang the bell furiously and his hands were trembling.he sat on his door step waiting for his mother to open the door . Everytime he tuned back he could see a figure swaying across." How was your day Vihàan?" asked his mom. But without an answer he ran upstairs to his room without removing his shoes.But then he remembered the day before he had gone to the attic and opened a starnge little box .But then he remembered that he wa stold not to touch the box without his parents permission.Once he had opened that box he had found a map that was ripped and looked like it had been made 5000 years ago.HE picked the map and rushed out of the room .He went to the study and got a lamp to examine the map he saw it for a long time and figured out that his house was built on a graveyard . "Mom we gotcha shift !"said Vihàan. But Vihàan's mom replied by just calling him a scary poke . The next day Vihàan went to the attic again and opened the same box again and there was a letter that said hold the map upside down and you will reach an house where you will find a stair . That evening Vihàan rushed out and reached his required destination and saw a winding staircase.He went and started climbing the staircase and till now he is still climbing the staircase that reaches no where.