

Zora The Mighty Warrior Part 5 ( Finale )
Here Kanisa comes to know through her powers that someone has entered inside her castle, she orders her evil army to stop Zora. Zora enters inside and starts walking, both sides of the wall, torches ( long stick with burning material in one end ) were attached. Zora kept on walking but suddenly the expressions on his face changed all of a sudden when he saw a group of almost 20 strange creatures coming towards him with swords in their hands, they were almost like humans with two hands and two legs but they had face of a snake and they also had skin like a snake and on the backside they had a tail, they looked very scary and deadly . “what kind of a ugly creatures you are" saying this Zora got ready to fight with them with his sword. They attacked him and Zora too went forward to fight with them, these creatures were giving tuff fight to Zora, also Zora was one and they were 20 but still Zora fought with them but at the end Zora ended up defeating them, he cut them into pieces and at the end of the fight all of their body pieces were fallen on the floor with blood all over the floor as well as on Zora’s body. Zora entered into another room, the room was like a big round hall. In one corner of the hall there was a throne made up of bones of human and on that throne Kanisa was sitting. And on the left side there was a cave ( a small jail kind of ) in which the young woman was kept. “who are you, you managed to defeat my army within few minutes" Manisha asked Zora. Zora tells her that he had come to release that woman and to defeat her. Hearing this she starts laughing loudly. “so you have been sent by King Alpha to defeat me? He has to pay for it" Kanisa replies in angry tone. “ no it’s you who has to pay for all the evil things you have done till now" Zora replied in a loud angry voice by pointing his sword towards her. “I like it, am very much impressed with you, you are the first human to talk to me this way without any fear even after knowing that am very much powerful then you, I like it, first time I have met someone of my match” she said with a evil smile on her face.
“I fear no one and I believe in myself" Zora replied her with confidence and with a angry face. “Join me, and we both can conquer the whole world” Kanisa replied. “am not here to join you but to vanish your existence from this world" Zora replied with angry face. After hearing this Kanisa stood up from her throne in a very angry face. “that’s enough, enough of good talk, I offered you to be with me but instead of that you choose to die from my hands, all right” Kanisa replied with angry face. She calls Urazo and he appears there from nowhere within seconds. “Urazo this is your biggest enemy right now, he has come to kill your master ( when she said master, she was mentioning about herself) don’t let him go alive from here” Kanisa said in angry and loud voice. Hearing this Urazo did not wait even for seconds and he went on to attack Zora. Zora too got ready for the fight with his sword. Zora tried to attack him with his sword but Urazo was very alert and use to escape from every attack made by Zora. But when Urazo attacked Zora by giving him one punch, Zora felt far away by the force of Urazo’s punch. Zora realised one thing that Urazo is much more physically strong from him. Zora did not give up, he stood up to fight back, Kanisa was sitting on her throne and was watching them fighting with a evil smile on her face. The woman from the cave to was watching the fight hoping Zora will defeat Kanisa and the beast and will release her. This time when Zora got up to fight back, Urazo started flying, this made Zora difficult to attack him but he still tried to attack him with sword but every time when he tried to attack with the sword, Urazo started flying higher. Then after few moments Urazo started removing fire from his mouth like a dragon and started attacking Zora with fire. Looking at his attacks, Zora became more alert and he was trying to escape from the fire attacks but it was becoming difficult for him, looking at this Kanisa started laughing loudly. “ you can’t escape from that attacks of Urazo, he is one of my oldest and most powerful servant” Kanisa replied with a smile.
Zora listens to what Kanisa is saying but his whole focus was on the fight. Something came in Zora's mind and he started running from there, and he went out of the room running. Looking at this Kanisa stood up from her throne. “ you can’t run away from the fight “Kanisa said in loud voice. Zora did not listen and he ran away from there. “Urazo go and find him, am sure he is somewhere in the castle and hiding from his death" Kanisa said facing towards Urazo. Urazo did not wait, he went to search Zora. Meanwhile here Zora was walking in the other side of the palace. He was walking and looking all around and staying alert. After walking for a while and exploring the castle suddenly Zora saw Urazo standing at one place and trying to search him. Something came in Zora's mind, Zora was standing backside of Urazo, he slowly went towards Urazo and caught hold of him from his back. The moment Zora caught him from back, Urazo started resisting and stared to move away Zora from his back, but Zora caught hold of him tight. Urazo realised that he won’t be able to move away Zora from him so he started flying, but Zora did not loose his balance and he was still holding him tight. While flying Urazo tried to throw Zora down but he was still holding him tight. Urazo flew towards the same room where Kanisa was sitting on her throne. The moment they flew in that room, Zora lost his balance and fell down. He felt in front of Kanisa's throne. He got up with out wasting time. Kanisa stood up pointed her wand towards him. Zora knew that Kanisa is ready to attack him so he turned back but to his shock Urazo was standing in his backside, he turned towards Kanisa. Kanisa was still pointing her wand towards him and there was evil smile on her face. “there is no way to run now, accept your death now “Kanisa said with a evil smile on her face. “now I will attack you with death and i will turn you into ashes" Kanisa said to Zora pointing her wand towards him. Zora realised that she will attack him with her wand at any moment. Within seconds a powerful ray of dark red colour came out from the wand but before it touched Zora’s body luckily at the right time Zora moved aside towards his right and instead of attacking Zora the rays went and attacked Urazo. The attack of the rays was so powerful that it set Urazon on fire. Looking at this scene Kanisa got shocked and felt helpless as her most powerful servant was burning to death. Both Zora and Kanisa was watching Urazo getting burned, and Kanisa could not do anything to save him. Zora had smile on his face. Soon Urazo turned into ashes. Now Zora turned towards Kanisa. “now it’s your turn" saying this he removed the bottle with the river water out. “ what’s this" Kanisa asked with curiosity. “ it’s the water from the same river which Ozova had created for bad sorcerers like you to wash away all your evil powers" Zora replied with confidence and smile. “but how did you get to the river, it was hidden from the normal people’s eyesight, how did you managed to find it" Kanisa asked with curiosity and scared face.
“it’s a long story and am not in mood to tell it, your time is up" Zora replied. “you think you will be able to throw that water on me" Kanisa asked Zora by pointing her wand back again towards him. But Zora removed his sword and threw it towards her wand and the wand fell down from her hand. Seeing this she got angry and without wasting time she ran towards her wand, took it back in her hand but right at that time Zora too went to throw the water on her but exactly at that time Kanisa pointed her wand towards the bottle which Zora was holding and attacked it with another Ray and the bottle broke up in Zora's hand and all the water fell down. Looking at this Kanisa almost knew that no one can kill her or take her powers away now and after realising this there was a unique smile on her face and she started laughing loud. “ now you lost it, the water you had brought to wash away my powers, that water got Tell down, now how you will defeat me” Kanisa asked. Zora was silent with a Disappointed face. “now I will attack you and this time you wont be able to escape” Kanisa pointed her wand towards Zora and said with a evil smile. And she again attacked Zora with her wand and this time she did not miss her attack and the moment the ray touched Zora's body he fell far away as if someone pushed him with full force. He fell on the floor like a dead man as if no energy was left inside him. Kanisa took the sword of Zora which was still lying on the floor, she took the sword and went towards Zora. Zora was silent and was looking helpless as if he lost everything. “and now this is the final attack I do towards you with your own sword" saying this Kanisa attacked Zora with his own Sword. She stabbed the sword in Zora’s stomach. Zora still did not speak a word but Kanisa could see the pain on Zora's face, and so Zora took his last breath and closed his eyes. Kanisa started laughing loudly. Her evil laugh was so loud that it could be heard everywhere in the castle.
She turned towards the woman in the cave. “now it’s your turn, I will sacrifice you to the God of darkness and later I will go to King Alpha and destroy his whole kingdom. The woman was trembling with fear. Kanisa again came towards Zora set down besides him. “I had offered you to be in my side but you rejected the offer and see now, you had to face your death, I wish you were alive to see the destruction I will bring on King Alpha’s Kingdom" She started saying this coming close to Zora's face. But all of a sudden something happened which was least expected by Kanisa which shocked her. Zora all of a sudden opened his eyes smiled at her and threw water on her face which he was holding in his mouth all this time. It was the same water from the river which would wash away any evil sorcerers powers from her body and would make the person normal like any other ordinary person.
Zora pulled out the sword out from his own stomach and the wound of the sword on his stomach got healed magically (Zora did not die in spite of Kanisa attacking him with her wand as well as with the sword, the reason why he did not die is because he had drank the juice of the leaves when he and Tiana had gone to meet Molan. Molan had told him that after drinking the Juice their energy will increase 100 times then a normal human being in other sense their wounds will also get healed the same way when the wounds of Zora had got healed when Zora got bit hurt while fighting with the moving tree and Molan also told them that the effect of the tree will remain in their body for 100 days). Zora gets up and stand with a smile of victory. “a lot of questions must be arising in your mind that how I got healed up and all, but once again I will say same thing that it’s a Very long story, but yes I will explain you how and when I took the water in my mouth” Zora said with a smile.
Kanisa was listening to Zora silently with a disappointing face. Zora took a pause and then continued explaining things to her. “you remember the time when I threw my sword towards your wand and then the wand fell from your hand? Later you went to pick up your wand and it was at that time when I immediately took some of the water in my mouth, and later I purposely took the attack of yours on me as I knew that I wont die and my wounds will get healed. Also I wanted to make you feel that am dead so that it would make me easy to throw the water all of a sudden on you” Zora told her with a victorious smile on his face. She was listening to him like a loser. Zora continued speaking. “the reason why I decided to keep some water in my mouth is because I knew there are chances that you will miss my attack of water somehow when I throw it on you from the bottle as you were very alert all the time and if I threw all the water at one time then I would not be able to defeat you. And the reason why I decided to attack you with the remaining water in mouth after faking my death is because you would never expect that a dead man will all of a sudden rise up and try to attack you, and the sudden shock of me getting up after faking my death would also not give you time to think and act, and I would easily able to throw the water from my mouth” Zora told her with a smile.
After hearing this Kanisa was so angry, she aimed her wand towards Zora and tried to attack him with the rays but nothing happened as she was no longer a sorcerer and all her powers was washed up by the river water. “your wand is just a normal stick now" Zora told her with a smile. He took the stick from her and broke it into two pieces as if it was just a normal wooden stick. Realising that her game is over Kanisa kneeled down with disappointment on her face. Zora went near the cave and released the woman from the cave and he again came back to Kanisa, who was still kneeling down. “now your too coming with us, this woman will go to back to her family and you will go into the jail of the kingdom “Zora told her in angry face. “I would rather die “ saying this she ran towards the balcony and jumped from there and committed suicide. Zora ran towards the balcony but she was already dead. Zora looked towards the woman. “ come let’s go” he said to her with a pleasant smile. They both went towards the horse and set on the horse. “how we gonna go back, the beast had brought me to this place through a portal" the Woman told Zora with a worried face. “ now that the powers of Kanisa are over and she is dead am sure the portal should appear back by itself" Zora replied her. Towards their surprise the portal was already visible in the sky. Zora and the woman smiled at each other and both flew in the sky with the horse and entered the portal. Soon they were back in their normal world, here it was a beautiful day with sun shining in the sky. Arom saw Zora coming, he had a smile on his face, he ran inside the castle with Joy and started shouting with joy as soon as he entered The castle. “ my Lord my Lord, Zora is back with the woman and it seems he has completed his mission" Arom shouted with joy looking at the king. Hearing this the King Stood up from his Throne and also Tiana and other people in the castle with a face of happiness. Zora landed on the ground, the woman thanked Zora and she ran towards her family, all the people in the Kingdom had gathered there, they were shouting and dancing with joy and praising Zora for his bravery. Zora entered inside the castle. The king welcomed Zora with joy and huged him. “ I had told my people once that one fine day a person will come who will defeat Kanisa and set us free, and I was right “King Alpha told him with joy. Tiana too was looking at Zora with a smile of pride. Zora too looked at her and smiled back. The king took Zora in the balcony of the castle. All the people of the Kingdom were looking at them from outside. Arom and Tiana were also standing in the balcony along with king and Zora. “this day calls for a celebration, let’s celebrate today’s day like never before” the King Shouted towards the people with joy. After hearing the kings words all the people of the Kingdom shouted with joy.
It was night Tiana and Zora were standing in one of the corners of the castle. “the time has come, I have to leave now as my work is over” Zora said in a low tone looking at Tiana. “I knew this day will come, I know that you does not like staying at one place for longer time but can I know the reason” Tiana asked with a sad face. Zora smiled at her. “my father was a great warrior, he belonged to a small tribe but he was so strong, so brave that many Kings from different kingdoms use to call my father for help when they are in in trouble, my father had fought many beast and monsters all his life without any fear, my father always told me that never hesitate to help others, but there came one day when my father faced his death and he was brought in front of me half dead, before Dying I promised him that I will walk on his path and I will travel the world and help people who are in need and when my work is done at certain place then I will move to the next place “ Zora told her. Hearing this Tiana stayed silent for few seconds. “I won’t stop you from going but you will come back right” Tiana asked with curiosity. To this Zora gave her a confusing reply saying “ if you have known me even a little bit as a person all these days, then you should know if I will return or not" saying this he smiled. “ the King and everyone must be waiting for me to say goodbye, I have to go now” Zora said to her. And both of them went towards the hall of the castle. Everyone in the castle were standing to say one last goodbye to Zora. Zora went towards the King, the King hugged him one more time.
“it was really nice meeting you and you are a part of this Kingdom now, you can come whenever you want, hope to see you back someday" The King said to Zora with a smiley face. Zora smiled back. So finally Zora went towards his horse where all the people of the Kingdom were also standing to say goodbye to Zora . Zora smiled looking at the people, he set on his horse and one last time he turned towards the castle balcony where Tiana was standing having tears in her eyes and saying goodbye to him, Zora smiled looking at her. It was a very emotional kind of a smile. And Zora started his journey towards an unknown destination where destiny takes him for another adventure to begin, while Tiana kept on looking at him hoping that some day he will return back...........

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