

How Is You BossQueen
Once upon a time, in a far away island, there was a girl named Laysha. She was a confident and ambitious girl who believed that she was born to be the boss of her own kingdom. She wanted to find her biological parents and become the queen of her own kingdom.

Laysha's parents had long abandoned her, leaving her in the care of her grandparents. They were kind but had their own agenda that they wanted to fulfill. They wanted her to marry a prince and have children.

Laysha, however, was not keen on the idea. She was not interested in marrying someone who did not love her for who she was. She knew that she was different from the other girls, and she wanted to break free from their chains.

One day, when Laysha was out on a walk, she stumbled upon a man. He was sitting on a rock, and his appearance was different from any other man that she had seen. He was older, with grey hair and a beard, and he had a gentle look in his eyes.

Laysha approached him and introduced herself. The man, however, did not seem to be interested in talking to her. He was lost in his thoughts, and she did not want to disturb him.

As she was about to leave, he spoke to her. "You are different from the other girls, aren't you?" he said.

Laysha paused, surprised by the comment. "How did you know that?" she asked.

The old man smiled. "I have been watching you for a while. You are unique, and that is a good thing. You should be proud of who you are, not afraid to stand out," he said.

Laysha felt a sense of pride in her heart. She had never felt so accepted before. She felt like she had found a kindred spirit.

"Thank you for the kind words. I hope you will tell me more about yourself," she said.

The old man chuckled. "My name is Timothy. I have lived on this island for many years. I was born here, but I have never met my parents. I always wondered what my story was," he said.

Laysha's heart swelled with excitement. She wanted to know more about this strange old man who had given her so much hope.

"Tell me, Timothy. What story could be so exciting that it would make me want to know more?" she said.

Laysha smiled. "Well, there was a battle long ago. A battle between two kingdoms. Our kingdom was defeated, and we were forced to flee. We had one option – to escape by boat," he said.

Laysha's eyes widened in horror. She had heard many stories of terrible things happening to people who had tried to escape.

"Did you manage to escape?" she asked, eager to know if he had survived.

Timothy nodded. "Yes, I did. I was a small child, but I had a big heart. My mother sacrificed her life to save mine. My mother held me closely, and in those moments, she gave me the strength to escape," he said.

Laysha felt tears streaming down her face. She had never heard a story like this before. She felt grateful to Timothy for sharing his memories with her.

"I am sorry for your loss, Timothy. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I promise to keep it safe," she said.

Timothy smiled. "You are a good girl, Laysha. You are not like the other girls on this island. You are unique, and that is a good thing. You should be proud of who you are, not afraid to stand out," he said.

Laysha felt a sense of pride in her heart once again. She had never felt so affirmed before. She knew that Timothy was right. She needed to be herself, not like everyone else around her.

From that day on, Laysha started to embrace her uniqueness. She refused to conform to the norms of her community. She went out of her way to break free from the chains that others had put her in.

Laysha was no longer just an average princess. She was a BOSSQUEEN, who refused to follow the rules set by others. She was not just looking for her biological parents, but she was looking for herself.

Over the years, Laysha became known as the girl who was not afraid to break free from the shackles that other people tried to put her in. She lived her life on her own terms, with her own values, and that made all the difference in the world.

In the end, Laysha's search for her biological parents proved to be a journey of self-reflection. She realized that being unique was not a bad thing. She discovered that true strength came from being true to yourself, and that made her a truly remarkable person.

© Tea-Tea