

Golden Prologue
A cold wind blew through the trees, bringing the clouds. The moon shone brightly, but the tree covering kept it from reaching the forest floor. Headlights cut through the night, gravel ground under the tires as a truck pulled off the road and into the field. The lights couldn't break the forest, the trees standing like guardians. They wouldn't protect their inhabitants tonight, the truck pulled to a stop, and a man hopped out, slamming the door behind him. Two other sets of boots hit the dirt, three men, hunters they called themselves.
The first man to get out began barking orders. The other two Began setting up equipment, their leader opened the back of the truck and rummaged around.
When the men finished setting up camp, on their leader's orders, they invaded the forest.
Their leader stayed behind, sitting on the hood of the truck, his smile glowed in the night.
It didn't take long for the men to return,
dragging two smaller creatures. They threw their captives to the ground in front of their leader; the creatures were humanoid, with cat ears and a tail.
"Brother and sister." The leader chuckled, "we can sell the girl, kill the boy; he's too weak to be sold for labor."
"No!" The boy exclaimed in a language that wasn't human as he was dragged away, the sister cried out, trying to follow. The hunters' leader dropped from the hood and grabbed her by the neck, he plunged a needle into it, and as her world went fuzzy, the last thing she heard was the gunshot.
The leader tied her arms and legs and tossed her into the back of his truck; his flashlight revealed that there were about twenty other similar creatures in the back. The hunters headed back out into the forest, dragging more of the strange creatures from the forest.
The leader struck a match; his devilish face revealed through the flickering light as he lit a cigar, and a plume of smoke drifted into the night air.

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