

Self written fate
We constantly hear people say "Oh, it's my fate" or "fate can't be changed", you know it's equivalent to the story of the fox and the grapes.

F - Failures' F -Fastening
A - Attitude A -Attention
T - Towards T -Towards
E -Experience E-Experience

The abbreviation on the right is of people who write their own fate. And you know what the abbreviation on the left means. Which abbreviation suits you?

When negativity embraces us we tend to blame fate, which is counterfactual. It's the result of the deeds of the past. Writing your fate in a sense, means altering your present for a promising future.

We must stand by our goals to place our destiny. Deeper understanding of life would actually make you understand how short it is and how much you have wasted.

Unless you step forward of your comfort zone, people are not going to recognize your efforts. Fate shall not pull anyone out of despair, it's you.

"Triumphant future only follows people who write their own fate"

© Sayee Dharshini