

Mr. Kinsley (CEO)
Kinsley 26 years old.

Have a younger sister.

Born in Australia.

He took over the company of his father at 21.

He is now Ceo of Corp Technology. Nearly all of his time finishes in his office.

Corp Technology has been going through some financial problems these past few months. To get through this struggle, they need to collaborate with another firm.

After some research, Kinsley decides to corporate with Heavenly's company as it is one of the top firms.

Kinsley took this matter into his hand. Contacted the secretary of Heav Corporation to have an appointment for negotiation with its CEO.

After Heavenly was informed about the CEO of Corp Technology wanted to meet and talk about a possible collaboration between both firms, she decided to have a meeting.

Kinsley was going to have a meeting after one week.

Heavenly knew about the condition of Corp Technology and also how this would be an opportunity to have them on her side
She also asked to prepare a contract for the meeting.

Heavenly would not accept the collaboration so easily.
As the CEO of Corp Technology will have to convince and state the benefits she will gain if she agrees to this collaboration.

And that's how this brings us back from where we stopped........


Kinsley: by collaborating, we will able to sell more of the new products.

Our technology and advertising method which is more advanced than yours will bring more people to buy the items.

Miss Heavenly, I could go on with all the benefits that my company can bring you, but it will be a waste of time as you already know all that we can offer.

As I can presume, you must have done some investigation before accepting to have this meeting.

So I'll go straight to the point!!!!
I'm asking for collaboration between our two corporations.
All the terms will be met and share each project.

And the percentage of what Corp Technology will gain I accept to leave it up to you. Don't get me wrong, unless I agree with the profit given.
I'll negotiate until I'm satisfied with it.

Heavenly: Mr. Kinsley...
You assumed well when you said I did some investigation...
But I did not think that you'll be this straightforward and not try buttering as other CEO does..... (smirk)

Give me two days to think about the proposition.

I'll personally get back to you.

Thank you for coming, my secretary will escort you on your way out.

Kinsley: I am the one who should thank you for receiving me. I'll be waiting for your call. Goodbye.

(Shake hands)
(Sephora escort Kinsley out )

(Knock on the office door)

Come in!!!!

Sephora: Miss Heavenly?

Yes, Sephora...

Sephora: Why didn't you bring out the contract that you made us prepare and discuss what can be adjusted or kept and waited for the terms that he would have bought in two days. Wouldn't it be better to have done all this today???

Yes, you're right...
But I want to see what the CEO of Corp Technology has up his sleeves and how he will convince me after not answering after two days.

He is interesting!!!
I don't know how since I showed interest in someone. (smirks)

But I'll make sure to accept the collaboration and sign the contract at the end of the week.

Don't worry about it.
We need this collaboration as much as they need it.

For now, prepares everything needed for the negotiation
I want all the papers and the contract on my table by tomorrow morning...

Sephora: Yes Miss!