

P.S.This is almost not a story,but I hope the words make sense.This story starts with the ending so your imaginative mind can create a beautiful start.

On with the story.

. . .

He took my hand and slipped a paper inside it.

"What is it?"I asked,confused.

"You'll find out later enough."

He weakly whispered into my ear.

"Our love story that never started but it will end on this day.I love you so much,but please let me go.I will see you in another life,my almost."

He clutched my hand tightly as he could and gave the beautiful,yet ghostly smile etched upon his face.

I heard his beeping moniter.




And then finally a long beep surrounded the whole hospital room.

His hand went limp into mine,but I never did let go.

I clutched onto it as if it was my only lifeline.

Like I was thirsty and his hand was the last drop of water.Like I had sinned and his hand was my only salvation.Like everything around me was evil and his hand was the only good thing amongst them.Like I was trapped in perpetual darkness and his hand was my only source of light.Like I was dying and he,himself was the last person I wanted to see.

The nurses,doctors then barged into the room,forcing me out.And only when I was out did I let my tears run down my face.
The saltiness of the tears lingers in my mouth.It felt like hours since I was forced out,but it only had been five minutes.

The doctor soon came out of the room with a troubled expression on his face.

"I'm sorry for your loss." He mumbled.

I couldn't even answer him as I rushed inside.

"It's over." I thought.

I looked at my hand and saw the now crumpled and wet paper from a while ago.

I opened it,and what I saw gave me the slightest hope and belief in destiny and reincarnation.

"We almost made it,but in the next life,we will make it."

I smiled.

Maybe we are meant to be.

Maybe we are meant to love each other,

But in different places.

I love him on Earth,

And he love me in Heaven.

© SadVerity

She authored those who felt it.