

The times GOD gave him the promise of descendants even without a son yet.
The time he believed GOD about HIS Promise, it was credited to him as righteousness and GOD assured him of the same by honouring his sacrifice.
But he went out of GOD's Promise to get a child with Hagar.

The time GOD gave him a new name, for he would be the father of many Nations.
The time GOD asked him to make sure that their bodies bear the mark of HIS Everlasting Covenant.
The time GOD gave Sarah a new name, for she would be the mother of many Nations.
But Abraham still offered Ishmael to GOD for a blessing because according to HIM, there is no way him and Sarah would have had their own son.

And GOD still reassured him of a son and of descendants after him.
But still, Sarah laughed at the thought of being a mother at such an age.

Thing is, GOD's Promises may look unattainable but the amazing thing is, it's not us attaining them. Nothing is impossible with GOD. One reason we doubt GOD's Promises is because we put ourselves in the position of making them pass, yet only GOD can do the impossible.

Perhaps you are waiting on GOD to fulfill something HE made clear that HE will fulfill...

1. Keep waiting on GOD. Trust that HE will fulfill and make HIS Word to come to pass, but only if you remain faithful and obedient. Every blessing comes with a condition that entails obedience.

2. If it will involve sin to fulfill it, if it will involve something out of GOD's Will, then GOD is not in it and it will end up being a humongous mess. However, GOD has a way of using our mess to teach us and mould us, but that's not a reason to take risks that GOD hasn't ordained.

3. Read the Word of GOD to keep you grounded. GOD kept reminding Abraham HIS Promise to him. GOD is reminding us and assuring us through CHRIST, through HIS HOLY SPIRIT, in HIS Word, what HE has already accomplished, what HE is accomplishing and what HE is yet to accomplish in our lives.

4. Do not allow man to hurry you into the blessing. High chances are that you will use a corrupt crooked way to get there.

5. GOD's fulfilment of what HE has ordained is not dependent on our faith or a lack of it, on our circumstances or our decreeing and declaring. HIM bringing HIS Promises to accomplishment is dependent on HIMSELF. HIS Timing, HIS Authority. All we need to do is keep in faith, walk in HIS Ways, live blameless and obey.
GOD will not work with our options and opinions, but with HIS OWN Plan. Can we stop giving HIM ideas and trust HIM to bring to accomplishment everything HE has planned to? And if it doesn't work out our way or it seemingly doesn't work out at all, we shall trust that it has all worked out according to HIS Plan, if we are in CHRIST JESUS?

6. Keep your foundation and faith in JESUS CHRIST. That way, you will not be like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
James 1:6 NKJV
And as well... You will no longer be immature like children. You won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. You will not be influenced when people try to trick you with lies so clever they sound like the truth.
Ephesians 4:14 NLT
Wrong doctrine has a way of lying to you about the Promises of GOD and how to “achieve” them. Making you do ridiculous things that are nowhere in the Bible. That have you chasing the Wordly instead of being still in CHRIST. Focus on JESUS.
When my soul fainted within me, I remembered The LORD; And my prayer went up to YOU, into YOUR Holy Temple.
Jonah 2:7 NKJV

Wishing you the very best.

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