

jab we met (last part)
we met again after 14 years but this time through Instagram.
she knows that I always enquire about her current status.
eventhough we both now that we are the two banks of the river but whenever we recommunicate its seems that time had been paused and started again.
we don't complain we don't argue cause we both know our situation.
that's how my love become Ex.
but from my perception "no any love fades if it would have been done with genuinely" and break up with genuine reasons.
she is happy in her life n I'm too but the feelings didn't shades away eventhough the time poured it's dust on our story.
Two things I didn't change since our love start "her name in my email and in username" and ofcorse every poem and quotes have essence of our happy days.
In my opinion undoubtedly the love is chemical reaction and attraction of opposites sex but it turns into feelings emotion and care when it reach to the heart.

© rizi