

Chapter twenty-Eight

Lanas P.O.V

"Will you marry me?"he asked.

I looked into his eyes and smile.

"Yes!"I said.

He stood up and we hugged each other.

One week later.

"Don't worry Candy, I'm fine"I said.

I stepped out the house for a while and Candy kept on calling me making sure I was okay. I'm just taking a walk in my city getting some fresh air. I asked nathan about the wedding planning but he said I didnt have to worry about it, So I didn't. I bought a drink and drank it while walking, I saw this one person with a dog and I petted him. And said "hi" to a few kids I saw. A five year old even told me I looked like a princess. And I gave money to a homelessman. I might just come out here tomorrow also.But this didn't last so long.

Someone pulled me aside holding a gun to my head.I spilled my drink.

"Give me all the cash you've got! including that ring and I won't pull the trigger."he said.
"This is the biggest mistake of your life, now please just let me go and maybe you'll get to live another day."I said.
"HAND IT OVER NOW!!!"He yelled.
"I'm trying to save your life here!"I said.
"I'm not asking again"He said.
"I can't give you the ring because I'm getting married and I gave all my money to someone. Also if I had cash on me right now I definitely wouldn't give it to you. I'm never trusting a dpbad guy ever again, since one almost made my boyfriend kill me. And my advice for you right now is to put the gun down and run away for the rest of your life"I said.

I could see that by the look on his face he was about to kill me.

"You should have done what the girl told you to"I heard Nathan's voice say.

He pulled me away and spun me around so I couldn't see anything. I heard a gunshot go off, flesh being thorn apart, bones breaking, and blood splashing and flesh being squeezed and the guy yelling then it went silent. Nathan then rapped his arm around my neck and started walking with me.

"Walk straight and don't turn around"he said.
"Why?"I asked.
"I don't want you to feel sick"He said.
"You didnt have to kill him"I said
"he was about to kill you and he killed many other people I'm sure. And also, I was a bit thirsty"he said.
"You always say that!"I said jumping up on his back.
"I'm not lieing"he said.
"Were you following me this whole time?"I asked.
"Yeah, your a really good girl"He said.

He started running, he ran back to the house which took us two minutes.

"Did something happen to her"Candy asked running over to me.
"No, I'm fine. But there is someone who's not"I said.
"Nathan!"Mark said. "Did you seriously kill someone again?"He asked.
"Yeah!"he said.
"Why are you always having fun"He said.
"Can i kill someone?"Sophie asked who randomly came out of no where.
"No!"Everyone said at the same time.
"That's not fair"She said.
"But seriously you've gotta stop"Mark said.
"stop what?"Nathan asked.
"killing people"Mark said.
"You've been engaged for A week in that week three people have died."Candy said.
"it's four now"I said.
"They where hitting on her and tried to rob her, so I killed them.....Accidentally"Nathan said.
"Great! so can I kill people by accident!?"Sophie asked exitedly.
"No!"We all said.
"And it doesn't matter what they did to her, you shouldn't have kill them"Candy said.
"I mean, they are already dead so...."Nathan said.
"Lana are you not gonna say anything?"Candy asked.
"I've tried, he won't listen"I said.
"OK, I'll stop"Nathan said.

he smiled and walked away.

"Lana seriously tell him to stop"Candy said.
"I'll try, again"I said.

I went after Nathan.

"I know I'm about to be your wife and you hate it when guys stare at me or even look at me, but you seriously need to stop"I said.
"he threated you"Nathan said.
"that's just a threat, besides they can't hurt me because your always here protecting me"I said.
"ok I'll try to stop"He said.
"try?"I said.
"Yeah, I'll try"He said.
"I'm having a feeling that you are jealous"I said.
"Why would I be Aren't you already mine"He said.
"Yeah, but you don't like how boys look at me"I said.
"hmmm... maybe I am a bit"He said.
"Wow you just attmited it"I said.
"Yeah"He said.
"But pls, stop. I don't want you to get in trouble or anything. I just want us to have a normal life without any threats"I said.
"There won't be any threats but nothing is going back to normal"He said.
"What do you mean?"I asked.
"Everything is going to haunt us"He said.

he moved his face closer to mine turning his eyes red.

"All those deaths and threats are going to come after us, until they finally get us, to them it'll be karma. There ghost of those hunters will hunt us. Believe me this has happened before. There is no escaping it. you'll just have to live with it for the rest of your life until you eventually get used to it."He said.
"That's not fair"I said.
"Nothing in this world is"He said. he gave me a soft kiss on the lips.
"And by the way what I just said was a total lie. None of those are true,things can go back to normal except for us Vampires"He said.

his eyes changed to there original color.

"That's not funny! but now that I think about it that made no sense"I said.
"But I got to see your your cute face when your scared though"He said.

I smiled.

"Anyways for the wedding I've everything planned"He said.
"All in just one week?"I asked.
"yeah, you just need to decide if you want lots of people there or just your friends"He said.
"Could it be somewhere in-between?"I asked.
"Indoors or outdoors?"He asked.
"Out doors"I said.
"White dress? red Dress or black dress?"He asked.
"umm, black"I said.
"So then the theme would have to be black then"He said.
"There could be red too"I said.
"Red and black. Meh."He said.
"So are you going to have to change a few things now?"I asked.
"No, I knew all the answers to those questions. Was just asking to be sure"He said.
"Guess you know me well"I said.
"Also you get to choose on what day the wedding will be held"He said.
"And what would my answer be?"I asked.
"That I don't know the answer to"He said.
"Well since you've planned everything,how about Next week?"I asked.
"Ok, so I've gotten all of that out of the way."He said.
"Are you the only person who's gonna do all that?"I asked.
"No, I've contacted a few people."He said.
"Oh, great"I said.
"And I had someone buy your dress"He said.
"How would that person know my size?"I asked.
"You don't want to know"He said.
"I somehow don't feel safe in my own body"I said.

his phone rang.

"You can answer it"I said.
"it'll just take a minute"He said.

Nathan P.O.V

I answer the phone, it was kylo.

"I found them and let's just say they really don't care about her"He said.
"Just send me there address"I said.
"Are you planning on killing them because of that?"He asked.
"No idiot, I'll simply talk to them"I said.
"I'll believe that for now"He said and hung up.

I put my phone back in my pants pocket.

"what was that about?"Lana asked.
"Just something I need to deal with"I said.
"Are you leaving?"She asked.
"Why would you think that?"I asked.
"You said something about Address, um... Are you planning on...."
"on?"I asked.
"Nevermind"She said with a smile that then faded away.
"No. I'm not planning on killing anyone, not when I know you'd be worried"I said.

She looked at me.

"Great"She said with another smile, but it didn't fade away.

Lana's P.O.V

"Well if your on your way somewhere, you shoud go. And don't worry I won't do anything that'll be too dangerous making you have to kill someone else or whatever."I said.

"Good"He said.

He kissed me on the cheek, then he was gone like Vanished in thin air. I really hate it when he goes like that.

Candy's P.O.V

Mark and I were in his room sitting laying on his bed busy on our phones.Having a conversation not making eye contact.

"Were you stocking me?"I asked.
"When?"Mark asked.
"The days before you turned me?"I asked.
"No"He said.
"So I didn't see you in the bathroom mirror?"I asked.
"We don't have a reflection"He said.
"What about when I was walking home from school?"I asked.
"Nope"He said.
"When I got home and the tv switched off?"I asked.
"That's just silly"He said laughing.
"And when the doorbell rang and I saw you?"I asked.
"Yeah that was me, but every other thing you said I have no idea about"He said.
"Hmm... maybe I was loosing my mind a little"I said.
"Maybe"He said.
"You remember when I snuck into that museum place, and you said something about a war"I said.
"Well don't you have a good memory"He said.
"What was that war about?"I asked.
"Well years ago humans knew that vampires where living amongst them so they killed them. Every single day was a fight. there were more humans dead than vampires. We decided to let them think they won by hiding out blending in not using our Abilities. Since we don't grow older we have to move all over the world and soon we are gonna move from here and come back years later"He said.
"Cool"I said.
"But since we look like teenagers we have to go to school"He said.
"Wait are you saying that I'll have to go to school every single year for as long as I live"I asked.
"Yes"He said.
"Please please please turn me back"I said.
"No, that's not how it works" He said.
"I don't want to go to school"I said.
"Well if you had a child you'll grow a little older"He said.
"Ok then give me a baby then"I said.

I heard his phone dropped on his face and I looked at him.

"Are you ok?"I asked.
"I'm fine and no"He said.
"Well at least I'll get to see the world."I said.
"Yeah, we could go to France, Japan, Africa, Antarctica, Brazil, Jamaica, Barbados And lots more"He said.
"I've always wanted to go to Paris, the city of love"I said.
"Oh we'll go there alright"He said.
"I've a question can we run on water or do we have to take a plane?"I ask.
"we can't drown"He said.
"We can breathe under water"I said in excitement.
"Yes, and no we are not walking on the bottom of the ocean to our next destination"He said.
"That would be a long journey, I personally think the ocean is very misterious. All these myths about mermaids and stuff."I said.
"Thought those lived in rivers"He said.
"Rivers comes from a the mountains, and the go straight into the sea"I said.
"I guess it'll make sense"He said.
"Enough talk about mermaids I wanna learn more about myself"I said.
"Ok"He said.
"Can fire burn me?"I asked.
"Yeah"He said.
"Can it kill me?"I asked.
"It'll turn your whole body to Ash so yeah"He said.
"What if I held my breath and stopped breathing"I said.
"Do that for as long as you want"He said.
"What I'd I jumped off a cliff"I said.
"As long as you don't land on the branch of a tree piercing into your chest you'll be fine"I said.
"And what about garlic?"I asked.
"What about it?"He asked.
"Can that hurt us?"I asked.
"No"He said.
"Meh, guess those stories were wrong"I said.
"Yeah"He said.
"What about diseases can I get sick?"I asked.
"No, I think we'll we have a doctor so maybe I don't know ask Jonathan"He said.
"He's not here"I said.

I heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll be right back"Mark said.
"I'm coming with you"I said.

I followed him outside his room and went to answer the door. Turns out that everyone had return home for the wedding well not everyone. Kylo, Marks Parents, and a few other vampires.

"You are a little way too early"Mark said.
"We know, that's why we are here"One said.

They all came inside.

"Has Nathan been back yet?"Kylo asked.
"Where did he go?"Mark asked.
"Somewhere"Kylo said before leaving.
"Weird"I said.
"Great now everyone is here"He said.
"They'll be gone soon, what I've learnt from you due to how long we've been together is that you love a little space"I said.
"If I'm stuck with you in a big whole mansion even bigger that this one I wouldn't mind."He said.
"Has people ever tried to rob this place?"I asked.
"tried"He said.
"I feel sorry for them. Ok all I can focus on right now is the fact that my best friend is getting married next week. She's gonna need make up, her hair should be done, she needs to go to a spa or wherever as long as she's relaxed"I said.
"hmm?"He asked.
"Nathan gave me a gig in this whole thing"I said.
"Oh"He said.

© kel