

December 25th
I got to my village on the 20th of December. It was 5 days to the Christmas celebration. I was soo happy to meet my very good friend Mike. It's been almost a year now that I've not seen him. But instead of him to be glad seeing me, he just avoided me and went on his way. I wasn't worried, because I thought he was still sad Because of the death of his brother 20 days ago.

It was now on the 21st. I woke up, and rushed to where Mike was, but he was eating. He seemed like he didn't want my company soo I left. That day, I told my cousins In the village about everything in the city. When it was evening, I went to check on Mike, but he was already asleep.

On the 22nd, I went fishing with my brothers. Mike didn't come with me because he was tired, and he kept on making a weird sound. I thought he was sick, but I was told he's fine.

On the 23rd I went shopping with my sisters, but Mike still decided not to come along. I was getting tired of him, he completely ignored me.

On the 24th, Mike was no where to be found. He ran away in the night without anyone knowing. How will we celebrate Christmas without Mike, I thought, but in the evening, some hunters said they found him, and brought him home.

It was now 25th of December, Christmas day. But as I came out of my house, right at my front was Mike, surrounded by the same people who killed his brother 25 days ago. Now they had come for him, and there was nothing I could do. Mike run, I shouted. But he didn't pay attention to me. Mike, they are going to kill you like they killed your brother, I shouted again. Mike tried to run, but the men, threw ropes to hold him down. After they had seized him, one of the men, then brought a big machete. As soon as Mike saw that, he remembered that that was the exact machete they used to kill his brother. He was now hopeless. He stopped resisting. I was watching sadly as the man raised the machete and struck the neck of Mike. It was horrible, blood gushed out of his neck. I ran inside and then told my parents everything. When I came back out,
Each part of Mike's body had been cut out. Little children ran to get some part of his flesh, to go roast to eat. What cruelty I thought. Well, rest in peace Mike, "the Christmas Cow" .

Storyline by Seal Chukwuma
