

Fear part 3: Differences.
You may value someone, more than they value you. It may hurt you a lot and even more when they won't be able to see it.
Because when you might be treating them like diamonds they may treat you like stones.

Everyone is different on the inside and out. Some minds like my own find it hard to understand why we feel more than others, why and how some things can be more important to us and not them. Its hard to understand how you have so much love and respect for someone while they don't even remember you.

Not that we are alien but we are just nurtured differently. We may hold different thoughts and ideas.

Its obvious love is never one way. If it is its not love just undivided care. But it definitely is possible for someone to be closer to one than the other while the other not realizing it. I'm not talking about just between a man and a woman, I'm talking about friends, siblings and even workers. We as human beings hold so many individual differences that we fear them in one another.

We fear these differences between us which may lead us to isolation, its like being afraid of accidents and never driving. We end up never trying to accept these, because we fear of losing people, people we value a lot. This is quite common in a lot of us, you are not the only one.

I'll have to say that most of the times we hurt, its our own fault. We lead the other to controlling us. Demanding us. We make them our dominant.

You know what our fault is? We don't love ourselves as much as we love others. We don't give ourselves attention.

This is risky, because it leads you to forget who you are. Everything becomes about the other. What they want me to wear, what they want me to eat, what they want me to say, how they want it.

What about you? What do you like, what do you want to eat, what do you want to wear, how do you want to do it? Isn't this unfair to you?

We confuse Loving people with selflessness. Loving yourself wont make you selfish my dear, it would improve your relationship with others and yourself. And don't fear the fact that someone wont like you for your differences... it just means you haven't found the right person yet.

Don't stress on it, let love find you.

Love your differences, learn what you like and be happy for what you are.

© theblacksparrow