

Southern Border
Tension begins to rise as new laws arise to tighten up borders as well as causing across the border trading and causing racial strains.

Even a concrete wall or dam has flaws within itself. Yes to tighten up borders and keeping out bad things but what is it truly holding back? Families that need to flee their war torn or drug torn towns or villages to begin anew all over again. Thinking about that and abuse within the border police is incomprehensible yet unfathomable.

Right and left
Social Justice and Conservative
right or wrong
American and Spanish American
It's mostly a illusion of the real and much bigger fish (better yet sharks)we need to hunt down and fry.

It's mainly no longer the laws of both lands or even building more walls to kingdom come. Its the money and better yet world greed when it comes down to it. Now an epidemic has come upon our hands not just Mexico or America but worldwide (That'll be a story itself).

Are we gonna let the greed of our governments and representatives get in the way to a new life, to a new friendship, to a new partnerships, to new lives?

Man I can go down a bigger rabbit hole which is our politics or the groups I'm not gonna mention.

© buffalo daddy