

Delivery man and his boss almost killed in drive by shooting during delivery!
When we first got there, the house next door had three people sitting on the front porch. I was just in the truck grabbing a earpiece, one of the earbuds wasn't working, so I switched it. The other wasn't working either. But I didn't to wait until I was done picking the furniture in the house to figure out what was wrong with them. I climbed to the back (through the sliding door that separates the front and the back of truck,)and pushed the couch towards the back door. My boss was waiting behind the truck. We took the couch down and was about carrying it up the stairs to enter the when we heard loud thunderish pops. Deep booms. I looked to my right, bullets were hitting the ground. You could feel the boom from the gun and the impact that they had on the house. I dove in the back of truck. When it was over we threw the couch back in and drove away as soon as possible. Bullet hole right through the windshield of our delivery truck. I was just sitting there in the passenger seat. 😱 Someone there got shot 3 times. Could've, been me!!🥺🥺
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