

True dilemma
Comment your true dilemma....

We all were busy like zombies before the Covid. I look Covid as
C: Chase
O: Opportunity
V: Valorous (Show courage in battle time)
I: Identify action plan for it.
D: Do it.

It was shock treatment to all of us to make us realise "You are not zombie, so wake up and act like human". We all went through 1 ture dilemma experience and we accepted that as final version of our life.
What exactly ture dilemma experience we faced,
-People who were materialistic realised living simple life with minimal expenses is my true dilemma.
- People who were working in multinational companies were asked to stay home and work suddenly had psychological impact. Beacuse they were asked to work from home where you can't be materialistic, you won't get to show your fake face 😈.
-People who lost their jobs were doing good in making money from their hobbies. They always wanted to make hobby into profession but there were waiting for shock treatment.
- People who lost everything and had to shut business venture turned into hunting jobs and those who lost job started looking for business opportunity because they always wanted to quit job and do business.
- People understood deeper meaning of relationship.

Let's stick on our true dilemma we found in battle field of Covid.