

i had a dream of a mystery guy .It was a hotel in hotel I saw a guy with black suit cot with a knife in his hand
I saw the saw he attack the first victim is a women was in a room she open the door and he attack her with knife he slit her neck
Then I run fast to a another room the save one girl I open the door I saw a small girl a age is about 10 years old
I saw she was praying near the bed
I quickly talk to her and try to escape from the killer
so I took her to the balcony and pull her and suddenly the men open the door and pull her
she was screaming and ask me to help her I pull her fast and we jump to the entrance
we saw the police men, when I try to call the police I felt a sharp pain in my back when I touch it was a knife and I was bleeding and I saw the girl was smiling at me
I wake up .