

The Famed Dame
She would sit atop that hill everyday, waiting for you. Somedays, be it minutes, be it days, be it months she waited. Truly a treasure, someone you could never disappoint, love like a moth to a flame.
She waited
There came rain, there came summer, there came strong winter, there came lighting, there came thunder, there came death.
She waited
Rumours: she wept uncontrollably at night, many heard her quiet, snoozing weeping; when they went to console, she was
Many worried, how could a weeping angel fall comforted,fall victim to the pains of life yet look so
She kept weeping at uncrowned night, but now they woudl ignore her, she would never mute nor move, almost immutable with the clock.
She waited
One day they thought deaf had stricken, yet they could hear just fine, night after countless ones it was
She wept no more, she suffered no more, but… where was she? They finally went to the hill, exploring, caving in on trails of mud and potentially washed tears. She had gone, she disappeared? she died?
She waited
Yet here you are today with this pretty of an angel, are you not going to visit the hill? They say she awaits her true love… unless time was cruel to her heart just how you are, look at that you chose this one but not her? do you not consider the effect?
Her cause is broken, her heart a fractured fissure inlaid upon the statue, her tears rain on dried fountains, yet you sit here with this baby doll? Her bust felt a cold no summer could displease and you sit here? as her corrupted mind withered into the selfish ground below us?
She waited
She waited
She Waited….
She will always wait for you….
Till death part you two, I swear she will wait
Be it minutes, months, days, years. Seconds won’t leave your mouth the moment regret drowns your heart.
She keeps waiting…

© VC