

The Graduation Test
Guru Drona was the military teacher for both the Kauravas and the Pandavas. At the end of their military training came final examination time. Drona put a wooden eagle on the branch of a nearby tree. Nobody knew it was just a doll. It looked like a real eagle. To pass the graduation test, every one of the students was supposed to cut off the eagle’s head with one arrow.Guru Drona first asked Yudhishthira, the eldest of the Pandavas: “Get ready, look at the eagle, and tell me what you are seeing.”Yudhishthira replied: “I see the sky, the clouds, the tree trunk, the branches, the leaves and the eagle sitting there.”Guru Drona was not very pleased with this answer. He asked the same of all the students, one by one. Every one of them gave a similar answer. Then came Arjuna’s turn for the test.Drona asked Arjuna: “Get ready, look at the eagle, and tell me what you are seeing.Arjuna replied: “I only see the eagle and nothing else.”Drona then asked a second question: “If you are seeing the eagle, then tell me how strong is its body and what is the color of its wings?”Arjuna replied: “I am only seeing its head and not the entire body.”Guru Drona was much pleased with Arjuna’s answer and asked him to go ahead with the test. Arjuna easily cut off the head of the eagle with one arrow because he was concentrating on his aim with a single mind. He passed the test with flying colors.Arjuna was not only the greatest warrior of his time, but also a compassionate Karma Yogi. Lord Krishna chose Arjuna as a medium to impart the knowledge of the holy Gita.We all should follow the example of Arjuna. Whatever work you do, do it with single-minded attention and put your whole heart and mind into it. This is the main theme of Karma Yoga of the Gita and the secret of success in anything you do.A word for the youth from Swami Vivekananda: Whatever you are doing, put your whole mind on it. If you are shooting, your mind should be only on the target. Then you will never miss. If you are learning your lessons, think only of the lesson. In India boys and girls are taught to do this.