

I had won lottery!

I read it once, then twice. I wasn’t imagining it – I had won the lottery!

To tell the story behind it, I hail from a very rich family, yes you’ve heard it right!


A family which has a rich amount of happiness and values but little shortage of money!

My father doesn’t have any sort of bad addictions but he spends 80 Inr everyday for lottery ticket for which my mother is always hesitant. There’s always a mini battle at home everyday.

Since, we didn’t have any sort of entertainment at home I used to enjoy it as it is normal fight and it has become a regular routine at home.

For the sake of love towards my parents I’ve stopped my school mentioning that I hate studying, even though I love studying.

Cause I can’t see my father working 2 hours after 24 hrs and my mother never eats cause she wanted to save that money for my school.

I somehow convinced my parents and I’d quit schooling, slowly I’ve started working in a mechanic garage and made sure my dad sleeps for those extra two hours and my mother will eat food which she used to skip.

I’d worked from day till dusk and made sure I’d learnt everything in that garage!

Days passed and I’d slowly started saving money and one day when I’m 18, I’d enough money to sustain my family and money to start a garage of my own.

Like every story had a happy ending, it thought mine will also have an happy ending for that moment.

I still remember that day while I was heading to the bank to get money in order to fulfill the dreams, it was a mammoth rain and I can hear the sounds of rain drops hitting the water in the potholes like my heartbeat.

I’d managed to reach the bank somehow and immediately rushed out from the bank with the money by holding it tightly with both my hands towards my chest, which is one of the bad decision I took.

I came out of the bank and walked out for a while and suddenly I heard a thud sound and I feel unconscious!

Next day when I woke up, my hands were searching for the bag on the floor even though my eyes were closed. By that I’ve realised that my dreams and my money are stolen.

I couldn’t go to house for the next 1 week, I spent most of the time near the local wine shop either I sit inside and drink else I’ll be on the road in front of the wine shop.

With pain that I’d lost my dreams and no support from police in spite of contacting them several times.

One fine day my dad approached and sat next to me. He Started brushing my hair like how he used to do when I was a school going kid!

He told everything will be alright and kept one lottery ticket in my hand! he got up and started heading towards the main road.

After, a certain while he collapsed. I’d admitted him in the hospital and later realised that he had heart issue and I need upto 10 lakhs for surgery.

I’d tried to get money from many sources but I couldn’t get it.

One day I’d stopped by a pan shop for buying water packet , I started looking into my pocket for money and I couldn’t but i’d found the lottery ticket which my dad gave me and then realised the beauty of middle class family, they will always win a lottery of troubles and problems, I threw away the ticket, but somehow I felt this is something which my dad gave me so I’d picked it up by glaring at it and moved towards the pan shop.

But I’d bumped into the store next to the panshop, the guy in the store snatched the lottery ticket from my hand and started looking at it.

For a second I was startled and started examining the store and found out that it’s a lottery ticket center where my dad buys the lottery ticket.

He then returned the ticket and congratulated me!

© thoughtWritingsByBadri
