

A Blind Wish

The man searching for the pin finally finds it as his hand brushes over Hitori's chest. As he touches it Hitori's eyelids open to an enormous extent almost risking his eyeballs to fall out. Hitori's grip on the man's hand, who is holding pillow down on his face tightens, the man stops pressuring the pillow as the vice-like grip on his hands almost stops all the blood flow in his palms. He jerks away from Hitori, a certain fear filling up his heart.

Hitori sits up straight, his unseeing eyes staring right at him, the man starts quaking in his boots. The other two men look at each other bewildered at what had just happened but they need the pin and the boy should die, so the tallest one takes a few strides, a knife in his hand, he wanted to keep it a bloodless murder but now that the boy is still alive he has no options.

Hitori is still sitting in his bed, defenseless. He is not making any attempt to run away or call for his mom, he is not even scared anymore. The room is still too dark for the three men to have a look into Hitori's eyes because if they could see the sinister look in those white eyes they would have run away to save their own lives.

The tall man raises the knife above his head and brings it down with full power over Hitori, he'd be dead in one slash, the man decides but to his surprise and dismay Hitori stops him by holding his hand right before the knife could draw blood from his skin. Then Hitori cocks his head to one side like a mad man and suddenly the whole room starts floating.

Their heart starts beating in an odd rhythm, as if keeping itself in check not to catch Hitori's attention, the fear settles deep in their stomachs by the sudden turn of events. The other two men start flying around the room searching for an exit but there is no exit. No door, no window, not even a hole to peep out.

They can't hold their tongues anymore, 'where is the door?' one of them asks in a shivering voice but the others couldn't reply, their voices seemed to have died in their throat. Their hearts race, their breathe come in fast flashes, it's utterly silent here, the only sound they could hear is the thumping of their heart inside their head and the sound of their ragged breathing. The man with the knife struggles to free himself of the boy's grip but a hand shoots up to his neck and squeezes it as easily as if it were a ketchup bottle in a restaurant, the bones inside his neck turn to powder and only a squeezed tube-like shape is left where his neck used to be a few seconds ago, he dies wide-eyed.

Seeing this makes the other two gag and scream at the same time, they run and run and run but it felt to them like they were running on a treadmill because they reached nowhere in the pitch dark. Hitori throws his legs over the bed and stands up on his feet, a gentle smile playing on his parched lips. Then he walks towards the remaining two. He catches the one who was holding down his legs and grabs his face. His knees and bladder give up at the same time, he begs but only a sheepish sound escapes his throat choked with fear. Hitori just smiles in return and then crushes his face in his soft boyish hands, spilling a great amount of blood all over the place.

#fantasy #murder #magic