

Tales Of Secret Hearts!
Nithya and Naveen Vasudevan met due to a beautiful misunderstanding and developed communication and helping nature. They both connected with each other as they stayed in opposite buildings.
As the days passed, there was something more in between them, but they couldn't arrange a name for it. Nithya struggled to name her respect and affection as love, while Naveen couldn't showcase or articulate his love because of Nithya's pure denial. 
To add fuel to the love connection, Naveen's grandparents and parents forced him to find a better half. 
Nithya, who never confessed her love, asked Naveen to fill her partition with sacred vermillion. Why? 
How is marriage supposed to be healthy if there's no reason for love but to leave?
Is there a love connection to tragedy prediction? 
What's it? 
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