

Hide and seek.
A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the bush.

This place didn't feel safe anymore, she could have been heard. She decided to run to another bush. Her cheeks and nose were red from the cold and everytime she breathes from her mouth it created some little clouds. She always loved falls and wi get the best, the smell, the rain, the cold and all the gorgeous colors the nature had to offer. She adjusted her scarf and her har, grabbed the bottom of her long red coat and started to run. When she turned back she noticed her brother going straight to where she had been. Looking at her brother's disappointed face she had to cover her mouth to avoid giggling to loudly.

Maya enjoyed her brother's company, a lot ! He was two years older but always took time to play and help her. This morning particularly. Some people came to the mansion and their mom asked them to play outside for a little while. Normally they can stay in their rooms but today it wasn't an option. Maya didn't really cared about it, she had a lot of energy and playing outside was much better.

Robin was getting closer to her hiding place. Fine! If you are going to find me I should have some fun about it! When Robin was close enough, Maya jumped from the bush like a little devil in a box. Robin, startled at first, burst into laughing when he saw his cute little sister covered with dead leaf and making a face very close to an angry squirrel.

They played quite a lot, Robin said they had to stay near the mansion, in case their mother would call them for lunch. Their parents looked very tired today, the people who came were surely bad news! Some problems only adults can share. After a while their nanny came, it was odd as it was her day off. Something must be really wrong thought Robin. But the nanny said nothing of the sort.
"Why are you here?" Asked Robin.
"Your parents and I needed to adjust the planning a little bit this week. So today I am here. Now it's time to eat lunch, what about some nice potatoes with ham?"
"Ham!" Screamed Maya. Her eyes got wide and her smile brighter than the sun itself.

After eating the kids were sent to play in their rooms. And as a treat, they could use the little kitchen lift. Normally they weren't allowed in it, but the nanny explained that, as they had been nice this morning, she got the exceptional change for this very rule. But this time only. Both kids jump into the lift, barely big enough for both of them. The nanny told them to exit as soon as they arrived at the next floor. The nanny pressed the button and hurried upstairs to make sure the kids arrived safely. She wasn't ok with her employer's idea but the situation was exceptional after all.

Robin decided to read in his room. Maya thought the very idea was boring and wanted to play some more. She went to her room with the nanny and begged her to play with her dolls. Maya hated to play alone, so today the nanny gave in easily and they had a tea party with the dolls. As Maya was getting bored of the game, their mother came and asked the nanny to come downstairs for a bit.

After they left, Maya decided she didn't want to wait for her nanny to come back and went to see her grandmother.
She always had to sneek out to see her dear grandmother, They evenocked her in her room sometimes! it when noeone was around, the door was usually unlocked and Maya could go see her. She was sitting by the window, she looked weaker than usual. Maya sat in front of her, and let her head rest on her grandmother's lap.
"What's wrong Grandma? Are you not feeling well today?"
"Oh no, I am alright. Just a little tired. I feel good actually."
She grabbed Maya under her arms and lifted her in her arms. The little girl was overjoyed! It had been so long since the last time and grandmother did this!
Maya knew she was getting heavy and her grandmother's knee wasn't as good as it used to be.
"Things are going to be different know. It will be better. He wasn't really nice with your mommy, you know..."
"Yes, mommy is often crying because of him. How can it be better from now?"
"He will be gone soon, he won't be able to hurt anyone now. Do you know who is downstairs?"
"No grandma, we were playing outside and ...Oh yes ! We took the kitchen lift!"
"Oh marvelous! You wanted to get inside for so long! Did you enjoy the ride?"
"Yes, very much so! But grandma, who's downstairs?"
"The policemen, this time they came to arrest him."
Maya's eyes were wide open, as she was about to reply, her nanny called her and her grandmother asked her to go quickly.

"Where were you Maya? I was looking for you. Your mother is waiting for both of you downstairs."

The kids went into the living room, Their mother was sitting on the chair and the nanny had them sit comfortably on the big couch. Their mother looked very serious and tired.
"Daddy is gone." Their mother said those words slowly, as if she was finally able to breath.
"Oh I know!" said Maya.
"What do you mean?"
Maya was hesitant "Well, Granma told me the policemen came and took daddy away for good."
The mother and the nanny looked at each other with concern.
"Maya, we told you many times, your grandmother is dead"
Maya was angry, again, they said that again, how could they when her grandma was sitting in the chair next to her mother.

© Nogh(Challier_Melody)