

Distorted Season 1 Part 3
In a moment of silence
In a moment of stillness
In that moment; body shivering, heart beating, mind pondering

"Could a stranger have broken in?"

It all explains the muted TV!, the tea cup and saucer on the edge of the table and The unknown sudden sound (that got me in stillness) and These whole strange activities going on in the house.

Could there really be a stranger here?

But if there's truly a stranger in the house; he's here and I'm here.

"Ahhh", as i shivered out of fear
Okay, put yourself together girl, you can't be scared.

I got to think fast, because if there's actually some thief in this house, i got to act fast, whether i should run out of the house immediately and call the police...

What should i do?
Instead of running, why don't i face what out there?

No, no, no, no, am i crazy?!
Do i really want to face something out there and lose my hand or my leg or my life!

No, no, no, no, yes!

I got to do what i got to do before such stranger or thief steal something precious in the house.

So, i got to face him
But face him with what?

As i looked around; using my eyes to search for any object i can use as a defense but i could find none.
Then i picked up a remote and pointed it

Using a remote maybe lame at this moment (as in what do i want to protect myself from, with a common remote) but it sure is better than nothing.

When i heard the sound, i think it came from the kitchen (like some plate fell to the ground)
Let me go check it out.

As i began walking slowly, pointing the remote forward like some knife, while my heart is beating vigorously and hands shivering endlessly.

One step...two steps...three steps...four steps...five steps...six steps...seven steps...
I entered the corridor leading to the kitchen
Eight steps...nine steps...ten steps...
Then i saw the kitchen door slightly open
Immediately, i saw this, i began screaming in my mind "go back! go back! Go back!!! You wanna die?". As my heart kept beating very fast with high intensity

Eleven steps... Twelve steps... Thirteen steps... Fourteen steps... Fifteen steps..
Then i got closer to the slightly open kitchen door

As my heartbeats got extremely louder, i placed my shivering hand on the door handle.

You don't want to miss what happens next.
© Daydawn