

Why is it so hard to love? Why do I keep getting hurt? Why do I hardly feel that you love me? I'm here dieing for the love I have for you and you're out there; you don't even care! I love you so much but you keep pushing me away. Why are you hurting me? You tell me you love me but you never show it. I go out of my way to show you love but NO! you never see it. It's because of you that I'm in this mess but you don't seem to care. Why can't you ever understand me? Loving you is never easy but I don't know why I love you so much. I don't ever want to break your heart but you're breaking mine. You really do not understand the pain I'm going through because of you. I have a lot of questions to ask you but I just can't. Why is it so hard? Why?
© Black_deby