

I wanna disappear.
Was there a point in your life that you wanted to stop, quit, and leave everything behind just to disappear to the point of changing and hiding your identity?

Yes, i feel soo thankfull to God if he gives me such option... hahaha...

sometimes I feel like disappearing from those people who is always a judgmental.

Come on...

i do have a life to enjoy the way I wants.
people around us always discriminate things in us.
judging one is so easy until they face it.

disappearing can feel tempting because it may feel like a potential opportunity
to hit phase in my life.

but while there is nothing wrong with having this feeling. plenty of people do this, especially when they are going through hard times. it is a sign that something isn't working.

sometimes hiding my self , my talent, from those discriminated people
gives me a personal space.

© @ Divya~