

Walter’s Manor
The chair flew across the room, directly toward her, she felt something grab her arm and pull her she let out a scream of fear, feeling a hand over her mouth she wiggled to free herself as she looked up behind her she realised it was Tyler the tour guide. Another Chair flew towards them he pulled her towards the closet and they both got into it hearing the chair slam against the closet.
“Are you ok?” He asked her, in a low whispered voice. She nodded but wanted to shake her head, this place had been toying with her mind since she had arrived with her friends.
It had started the second she had first seen the lady figure standing in the attic window, which no one else had seen. Tyler had avoided giving her the room she had been signed too, saying this house has taken an interest in you, this room would be better for you. Something she hadn’t really understood until these last few nights. She hated the way the house made her feel as though she was being watched everywhere she went, as if their eyes wouldn’t leave her be. The only time she didn’t feel like that was when she was actually outside the house and on the gardens, which were beautiful and well maintained.

The house looked big enough to be a castle, however she had instantly taken a dislike to the premises but none of her friends had noticed, they had been busy taking their luggage out of their cars. Ivy was climbing over the walls of Walter’s Manor, the windows were small but their was many of them. The house was well known for being haunted and as they had been growing up the stories got worse about the building, but Duncan Walter was a thrill seeker and talked the group into staying at this place, as many of the group didn’t really believe the stories they had instantly agreed and as the girls had their way of a beach vacation last time it was agreed the boys could do this, this time. Jess had never been keen on the idea and had tried to talk everyone out of it with no success and now here she was hiding in a closet from chairs flying around on their own.

“We should try and get to the lobby ‘cos if the others are having any of this happen to them that’s where they would go” Tyler suggested
“What about the fact there’s flying chairs out there?” She asked knowing how silly that sounded, but the fact it was actually happening frightened her. So much so she actually preferred the idea of staying in the closet.
“We can’t stay in here, not while something seems so angry with you right now.” Tyler replied
“Why? What have I done to annoy it?” She demanded
“Well if I knew, I’d tell you but I don’t” he answered she noticed how calm he was, as if this happened regularly to him. “Take hold of my hand and run with me don’t look back, its important you don’t look back, ok?”
“You don’t want to know, just promise me you won’t look”
“What happens if I accidently do?”
“Things get worse for you,” he said flatly, he looked at her for a moment, “Your different to the others, you shouldn’t be here. I don’t know why but I just get this sense there’s something about you. I must help you.” He told her seriously.

He pulled her out the closest the chairs started flying at them again Jess screamed and ducked and accidental let go of Tylers hand, he wasted no time in taking hold of her hand and running as fast as they could down the hallway, there was this loud screech behind them, that filled her with fear.
“Don’t look Jess” Tyler shouted as he continued to run with her. She closed her eyes and willed herself to keep running part of her wanted to look back to see what was making those loud screeching noise, but followed the instructions from Tyler not to look, flying chairs were enough she didn’t want things to get worse for her. This alone was scary enough and she wasn’t the thrill seeker. They run so fast down the stairs she nearly fell twice. However the second their feet hit the lobby floor everything fell quiet.

Breathless she looked around the room, they weren’t the only ones in the lobby, Ella and Nick were there too.
“Are you two ok?” Nick asked them, Jess lifted her head up still shaking like a leaf,
“We made it” She breathed, “What was that?” She demanded to know
“Something you don’t wanna’ mess with” Tyler stated, “Look you guys all came here knowing the stories of this place, I can’t control what happens here, I’m just the one who has to try and keep you all safe while your here. A scare is what you paid for” he added
“It’s what Duncan wanted actually” Ella replied, “Some of us wanted to re-visit the beach.” She added clearly frustrated she had lost that battle.
“The spirits here haven’t played up this bad since…Well since Caitlin Hart and it didn’t go well for her.” He commented more to himself than to anyone else. Jess looked at him
“What happened to her?” Nick asked, beating Jess to the punch.
“In 1934, she died here. In the most unexplained way no one who saw her could explain it, I don’t want that to happen to any of you, I know this house was responsible for this.” He said flatly, Jess picked up on the pain in his voice, she didn’t understand why though when he looked about their ages Twenty four, maybe twenty five. Too young to know Caitlin personally.
“You never did your research before coming here did ya’s” he guessed. Looking at them all shaking his head, “I’ll tell you all tomorrow when the house is less angry” he told them.
“That’s not really good enough” Nick said, “If were all in danger here we at least deserve an explanation” he added.
“Nick, no…he’ll tell us when he’s ready, it’s our own fault we didn’t look into what we would be walking in to, this isn’t Tyler’s fault” she said, not sure why she was sticking up for him so much, she had, since she had met him she had found him very attractive, however she was to shy to make it noticeable, but she put it down to the fact he just saved her from whatever was trying to hurt her.
“I think tonight you three should stay in here, just crash on the sofas” Tyler told them in a serious tone. “I don’t know why but this has always been the safe room.” He added.

Jess made herself comfortable next to her friend Ella who was biting her nails,
“I hate this place” She whispered, Jess looked at her friend
“I’m not thrilled to be here either.” She found herself saying, “Chairs were literally flying at me on their own, you probably don’t believe…”
“I believe you my closet doors kept opening and closing by themeselve, I’ve never been so scared” Ella confessed, “Nothing has ever happened like that to me, I actually screamed with pure fright.”
“My lights kept going on and off and random noises going on in my room, then I heard Ella screaming I ran to check what was going on” Nick told them both.
“Why does Duncan like this sort of stuff, its terrifying.” Ella said
“He’s always been into the paranormal, he does this on his days off just to be scared silly, he loves the feeling.” Nick informed them, “Maybe if we’d had been told by our guide what rooms were the worst Duncan could have had one of the rooms”
“Sounds like the whole place is like it” Ella said with an unimpressed tone in her voice.
“Tyler’s right though we should have done some sort of research so we knew what we were walking into.” Jess replied now hugging her knees.
“I never believed in this stuff” Nick told her
“I did, but I just came cos you guys were all going” Jess Told them.
“It’s not to late to go home you know” Ella reminded them
“We wouldn’t live it down” Nick told them, although in truth he had seen enough and really liked the idea of leaving more than staying, but Duncan was his closest friend and he didn’t want to let him down.

The next morning Jess went back up to her to find the chairs all back where they had started, which made her wonder whether someone had been back in here to put them back or they had been put back by something else. A flash of the chairs hurling towards her ran through her mind, she shuddered at the thought.
“Hopefully it was Tyler that put you back” she said to the chairs. She sat herself down on the sofa by the window taking out her journal and wrote the whole experience in there. The vibe in the room wasn’t as strong through the day like it was through the night, whoever had come up with calling it witching hour wasn’t wrong, she noted to herself. It had taken her awhile to notice the draw of her dresser was open, thinking it was weird she crept towards in her heart pounding in her chest as she wasn’t sure what to expect in there. She looked down into to find a big key just sitting in there like it had been there the whole time, only she knew it hadn’t. She took hold of it and examined it for awhile before putting it back in her draw, she walked back to where she had been sitting risking a look back at the draw it was open again.
“I’m guessing this means something” She whispered to herself, “I don’t wanna’ be involved in anything I just want to get through this experience in one piece” she told her room the chair wobbled as if to scare her. She looked at it. “Fine, I guess I need to find where it goes too.” She said out loud. The chair stopped wobbling.
“Great” she mumbled, knowing now if she wanted to stay in one piece she was going to have to follow her invisible guide, to do what she had no clue, but she sensed it wasn’t good, what ever it was.