

Immortals: Unborn part 2
One holds a sword, one holds an axe, the next holds a mace and the last holds a schyth. At this point I thought I was out numbered. They then split up and the red knight holding a sword charged me.
Sword drawn and held like a master of lifes long past he came at me. I dodged and went to punch at him just to miss. "Mwahahaha, a phisical attack will never do boy" he claimed as he batted me away with the but of his sword. Looking around I saw no weapons but then he threw a dagger at me. As the dagger almost hit me I cought it and turned to face him once more, this time with a weapon though he does have the range on me. He swong again and i dodged then caught him in his arm with the dagger. "a scratch" he proclaimed as blood started trickling down his arm from the "scratch". I felt this fight might end almost as quickly as it started at this point. He changed stances and came at me again. i tried to dodge but got cleaved by his sword. Now I figured out who he was. "I guess your name to be War, am I right" I asked short of breath. "Yes, but how do you know that child?" he said puzzled. "Your quick change in tactics gave it away and the fact that your a spiritual horse that becomes a knight" I said catching my breath at last. H the drew a second blade as to make things worse but only help me. when swung the first blade he was slow to react on the second one. i finaly caught him in his side. "Aaah, now that was a great hit" he said starting to limp. he chose to forgo the dual swords and came at me again. learning from the last time I jumped and finished the fight with a fatle blow to his neck. barely breathing he spoke "this will not stop me for long, but you have my respect child, you've won this fight this time."
War changed back to a horse and ran off to recovoer i guessed but may never know. the others are still out here wanting a fight and I guess I have to find them and win battles with them soon. I'm off looking for the next knight of sarrow to finish this test. who will be next on the list to fight with. Then i saw him, the green horse. he didn't change back so fast but as I got closer he was ready for me. he changed to his knight for and swung down at me with his axe. I blocked and started to fear for my chances of leaving Pralish may be harder than I thought.