

Chapter Eleven

Lana's P.O.V

I took a deep breath and went back in the other room, and headed up the staircase. I didn't really look around the house for any details all I know is that it is old and dirty. The staircase lead me to another room that had two doors.

I feel like I'm in a game. All I have to do is go through the right door past the levels then defeat the final boss.

And by final boss I mean Alex.

I entered on of the rooms without thinking, I saw two males in there. They looked at me confused.

"Who are you!?"One of them shouted.

I guess they didn't know that I was in the room below.

"Sorry wrong room"I said.
"You didn't answer my question."he said moving his shirt showing me his pistol.
"I'll be on my way"I said and walked out like I wasn't scared.

Ok these people have weapons on them if I make a wrong move I'm dead.

I'm not sure if I want to go in the other room. But I need to escape. In movies I watch when people are trying to escape a building they are really scared. But I'm just thinking positive.

Nathan's P.O.V

"I found his house!"Kylo said."And I'm not sure that he lived there for the past two years"
"What do you mean?"I asked.
"Its old and far from town"
"Where is it?"
"Close to the woods."
"Ok"I said coughing.
"Nathan you need to..."
"I'm fine"I said and left.

I ran as fast as I can that house was 300 miles away. Due to my thirst I'm running slow, really slow.

Lana's P.O.V

I finally took the courage and went through the the other door. Just leads to another empty room. The only problem is I hear voices and of them belongs to Alex. There was a hallway I went down it, there where lots of other rooms. I had to tiptoe. Then I heard one of the doors open I was frightened.

"Seariously Lana!"he said.

It was Alex.

I turned around.

"Sorry Lana but I can't let you leave yet"he said.
"What do you need me for, to tell you secrets I think you already know!"I said.
"You haven't noticed?"he said.
"Notice what!"
"I'm using you as bait"he said.
"I don't get it"I said.
"Lana that guy really loves you and I've been trying to kill him for months"
"He killed my father"

What! There has to be a good explanation for that.

"I was told about vampires at a very young age"he said. "I know everything about them including how to kill them. So right now he's probly heading this way to come save you but he is not going to be the hero, I am"
"How are you going to be the hero?"I asked.
"I kill him his family will get scared of me"
"Uh I think that if you kill Nathan his family is gonna hunt you down and kill you"I said.
"I know, I'm not going to kill Nathan alone I'm going kill the three brothers since a little bird told me that one of them is gonna take over with some royalty stuff or whatever."
"He has a sister"I said.

How do I know that? well that was what I heard when I ears-dropped and Sophie calls him, uncle.

"Yeah two of them, one whom he hates and the other is the mother of his niece. That one I killed"

I gasp.

"You killed Sophie's Mom!"

I didn't know I thought-

"Now I know why Nathan killed your father"I said"it's a kill for a kill, family member for a family member."
"Yeah, I don't care I just want the vampires dead. All of them"

He's a hunter.

He walked over to me.

"And you are gonna help me kill them"he said.

He then grabbed my arm and took me into one of the rooms.

"I guess duck tape dosnt work on you"he said.

Someone walked into the room.

"Yo! Alex he's heading this way"he said.
"Just in time"Alex said looking at me with a devilish smile.

Nathan's P.O.V

My throat feels like a desert, but Lana comes first and I'm willing to die saving her. I reached the house. I hid in the woods. Of course there where gonna be two men in front the door with wooden steaks. I moved really fast they didn't see me I was a blur to them.

Now I'll need to search this place. Before I got ready to run off someone from behind stabbed a wooden stake in my lower back. I yelled in pain and fell to my knees then on my hands.

"I really wang to kill you, but I'm the one hunting you down!"The person said.

He then started dragging me by my leg.

"W....where.... are you taking me?"I asked.

He just laughed.

Lana's P.O.V

Alex held on to my arm his grip was strong he didn't want to let me go because he knew I was going to run.

"Do you know how long I've waited for this moment and now the planning and timing is perfect",he said."And it's all thanks to you Lana"

"And now you are going to watch as I kill your boyfriend"he added.

The other guy gave him a wooden stake.

"And you move, he is gonna put a bullet through your forehead."

I know I'm supposed to me terrified but why did he say the other guy was gonna do that. Can't he do it himself. Alex still likes me which means he won't try to hurt me physically. So he's confident about letting the other guy do so.

The guy walk over to me and took out a pistol.

Seriously, I didn't even move.

And he held me by the throat and put the gun towards my head. I stayed frozen ok now I'm scared.

Then a I saw another guy at the door-way dragging someone.

Meh! most have accidentally knocked out one of own men because he was acting creepy around him.

Then he took the person up.


He was in pain.

"Let me go!!"I yelled at the guy.
"You move and I pull the trigger"he said.

Nathan looked up, first he looked at me, then the guy behind me, then the gun, and then Alex.

"Y...you Just made a mistake"he said in pain.
"I think you did"Alex said. "And now look where you are, you just had to fall in love with her didn't you and look where that same love lead you"he said.

Nathan kept on staring at the guy behind me.

"And now I'm gonna kill you and then your brothers, then your family and Lana"Alex said.

Nathan looked at him, his eyes turn red.

"Yes! this is what I wanted"he said. "Killing a Vampire when they are angry is fun. Just like when I killed your sister"

"DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME ANYTHING ABOUT MY SISTER!!!" Nathan yelled at him with fangs growing out his mouth. He pushed away the guy who was holding him. And just stared at Alex.

"You should have seen the look on her face, here I'll tell you her let words"

Nathan went over to him to attack him but Alex stabbed the stake into his stomach.


"I'm gonna enjoy killing you"Alex said.

As he stabbed him again in his chest, That was close to his heart. Nathan yelled in pain. He looked up at me.

He moved as fast as he could and took me away. He ran through the forest it was really late at night then he fell down on top of me.

"Ow!"I yelled.
"Sorry"he said.

He started coughing.

"Are you ok?"I asked
"I'm fine, I just need to rest for a little while"he said getting up then fell down.
"Why do I feel like something was wrong with you before you came to save me"I said.
"I'm fine!"he said.
"No you are not, Nathan just tell me"I said.
"No I need to make sure that you are safe",he said his voice was breaking.
"Nathan! As long as I'm with you I know I'm safe"I said."Just tell me"

He sighted.

"I'm thirsty",he said.
"I don't have any water on me but I-"
"I don't need water"he said disgustingly.

But he said he was........ Thirsty for blood.

"Blood? what happens if you don't get to drink it?"I asked
"I die"he said.

I gasp as if you haven't suffered enough I guess the universe hates vampires.

I sat down beside him.

Then I had an idea, it was a scary one but it work.

"What if you.... drink my blood?"I said.
"No"he said.
"Why not?"I asked.
"We don't drink human blood, not any more"he said.
"The book said in exchange for a bite your partner has to give the vampire some of her blood."
"Are you asking me to turn you?"he asked me.
"No"I said."But I'm sure I'll make the right choice in the for her but I'll just give you some of my blood from now."
"Are you sure you want me to do that?"I asked.
"Yes"I said.
"Lana it's gonna hurt"he said.
"Just do it"I said.

He sighted.

He held up my Arm to his mouth, grew is fans.

"I can't",he said.

He grabbed me up and started running really fast. I held on to him tight. In a few minutes we arrived at the house he put me down and ran off.

"What's his problem"kylo asked me.

That scared to living daylights out if me.

"Kylo!"I yelled.
"Sorry"he said. "I'm glad your back"

I am angry.

"Kylo and you go and get Mark please"I said in a sweet voice.
"Sure"he said and ran off and came back with Mark.
"Lana! you are back"Mark said.

I cleared my throat.


"Sorry"Mark said.
"We'll never do it again"Kylo said.
"I don't trust you I said."

Nathan came back.

"I heard you yelling are you ok?"

There wasn't a single wound on his body.

"Uh... didn't you get stabbed with a stake like three times?"I asked.
"I healed"he said.
"Vampires can heal too!?Must be nice"I saind looking down at my hands which I couldn't see since I was wearing my glove.

"Nathan did you-"
"YOU DON'T GET TO ASK HIM ANY QUESTIONS!!!"I yelled at Kylo cutting him off.
"Okay, Why?"Nathan asked.
"They didn't come help you and you could have died!"I said.
"Well, I didn't die and I'm gonna kill him!"he said.
"What E-"
"I said don't ask him any questions!"