

Writer's Message
Hello everyone I'm theillusivewriter, but you can call me James or Jacob. I figured that I would explain some of my works and the meaning behind the stories. My most recent is D.S. AI Coda, a metaphorical story behind my life. I choose to be an open book with the community compared to my very reserved personality. In D.S. AI Coda, I went to explain that I charged head on into life, not expecting the hardships. Life can look like a maze of crossroads, each path with its prizes and its punishments. It can also leave you questioning who you are and what you are doing is the right thing. I made this to feel down to earth with you guys because I've been through tough times and I want my account and my work as a calling card or a safe place for understanding each other. I support Suicide Prevention and all that fight depression each day. Anyways this was the main thing I wanted to address, if you want explanations to other stories, please comment their titles. I hope you all have a happy holidays and be safe out there.

© theillusivewriter